Rent – The characters sing every word!

The movie of a live performance of the Broadway show Rent was a moving betrayal of life in Alphabet City in 1980’s New York City.  With a backdrop of drug use, poverty, and HIV, the story revolved around the ups and downs in relationships between a group of 20 something characters.  The characters sung every word of the dialogue.  This definitely is not my go to genre.  However, the story was strong, and the acting was exceptional.  I was able to really feel the emotions characters were trying to convey.  The viewer experienced an emotional roller-coaster that went from the feeling of true love to the feeling of complete despair.  I am mostly into action movies so this was definitely way outside my comfort zone.  But I am glad I tried something different and watched Rent.

One thought on “Rent – The characters sing every word!

  1. I agree! I normally wouldn’t go for musical movies, but I’m glad that I took the leap to explore the musical genre in film. I also agree that the journey that we took in regards to the emotional rollercoaster was pretty fascinating to see take place. I can’t wait to see what other films Rose will introduce.