Making a Change

There is a huge issue in Burma (or Myanmar). Girl as young as ten are stuck on overcrowded buses with men who rub themselves against the girls. These females are too young to understand what is happening and just how violated they are. This is such a ubiquitous problem that one of the women in the documentary said she didn’t have any friends who haven’t experienced this. And so a group of brave women volunteered to hand out whistles and information sheets to women at bus stops so they can be informed and protect themselves. This was a dangerous act given that the government could intervene and punish the volunteers. I found this to be very moving because I often questioned how change happens. Usually people complain about an issue, but its left as a complaint. In rare situations are actions taken and even rarer for actions to make impacts. These brave volunteers handed out over 30,000 whistles and information sheets. I was in awe of how these women had taken matters into their own hands and let women know that they are in charge of their own bodies. The victims often questioned if it was their fault and this is a common phenomena in America as well. It is never the victim’s fault. Men point their fingers at women like Adam pointed his finger at Eve in blame is something that needs to stop. So as these brave volunteers have, we too should make a change.

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