Love the Process

Often, we prohibit our own happiness just by having the wrong mindset. After attending the UThrivediscussion with Zachary Grobe, I came to the realization that this is exactly what I’ve been doing. Although freshman year at Cornell was a great year, I didn’t have the right mindset which caused me not to enjoy it as much. As stated in UThrive, we should let happiness lead us to success, not vice versa. My mindset has always been, “After this prelim, things will get better.” However, my mindset should be to enjoy the entire process of learning. This year I am definitely going to try to enjoy the process more instead of waiting to enjoy it after.

One other point Zachary brought to my attention was that life is a bunch of decisions. Thus, we can choose to be happy or not. I didn’t realize how simple it was to appreciate things more and control my mood. Zachary mentioned looking at the positives throughout the day to help keep a positive mind. Without even knowing, I’ve been practicing this for the past few weeks at Cornell and I’ve truly been enjoying my time much more. Everything makes sense from the law of attraction. Simply having a positive mindset can lead to a more enjoyable experience while even attracting more positive things to happen.

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