
The movie, Sorry to Bother You was very interesting in portraying a world where people have to do things in which they would otherwise not have done in order to get a step up the ladder.

The main character- Cassius is forced to impersonate a white person, and forgo his true identity in order to make sales. Cassius finds himself in a place where he has to choose between his friends or ‘his future’ or what I saw, was a future that others wanted for him.  In my opinion, I felt that this movie was an indirect representation of the real world- a world were people change their identity, their morals, and their  beliefs in order to fit in with a ‘higher’ crowd or even to move up the social ladder.

Lessons one can learn from this movie are to have your own goals and aspirations so no one can make something seem more pleasing to you and lure you wayward. also, being true to yourself and always knowing your identity ideologies.


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