Book Talk 9/11/19

In the Rose Scholars book talk we discussed the summer reading book that was assigned last spring and the wisdom and strategies it provided. I learned a lot about overcoming adversary, making decisions, and power. Lots of people struggle with making choices, especially when there are many different options to consider, and how getting into routines can help to reduce the number of choices we have to make. For example, getting into the routine of going to the library every day after dinner can eliminate the decision of how to spend the time between dinner and sleep. Also, just choosing something is better than comparing that thing to all the other options that are available. This conversation really resonated with me because making decisions is something I struggle with, even just choosing which dining hall to eat at every night. I realized that instead of carefully reading all the menus every night and comparing them to decide which has the best options that night, I would save a lot of time by just choosing a dining hall to eat at, and most of the time I would still be able to find something I like. Another concept I connected with was failure and how to deal with it. I learned that anything worth doing is worth doing badly, as power can come in recognizing failure and getting in a position to prevent its reoccurrence. Overall, I learned a lot from the talk and will look to integrate these lessons throughout the semester.

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