Discovering and Meeting with New Professors

On Wednesday 9/4, I attended this semester’s first Rose Café event. I enjoyed other Rose Café events that normally have a group of students with one house fellow introducing an interesting topic. However, this Rose Café event was special in that students were meeting various house fellows and networking with them through “speed dating” activity. I had a chance to introduce myself to about six house fellows and learn about their unique stories. It was such a great opportunity for me to meet professors outside of class and have a conversation with them in a more relaxed environment. I enjoyed learning about different subject fields including philosophy, international labor relation, entomology, etc. I am grateful to be part of such a diverse and welcoming university.

One thought on “Discovering and Meeting with New Professors

  1. One of the most interesting things here at Cornell is that we are always meeting people from diverse backgrounds, which I think is incredible. I get to learn so much about other people’s interests just by having a conversation with them. Here at Cornell, we all come from different places and conversing with other people is an essential component in our lives here. I am glad that you were able to learn more about the people in our community.