how to…

Last night, I attended an info session with house fellow Zachary Grobe to learn how to write a blog post that is more engaging and more interesting to read and to write. I really liked the focus on film, because the Friday night movie nights are usually my go-to for Rose Scholar’s events. Now I can focus on an entirely different aspect of the movie when I’m writing my blogs; the stylistic elements. I always used to focus on the content, when, as I learned, that doesn’t make a film any different from a novel. What really distinguishes a film from a movie is that style. This includes music, costumes, color palettes, and more.
One movie I could have applied this new lens to was one we watched last semester, V is for Vendetta. The music in this film was so artfully integrated, oftentimes I couldn’t distinguish between when the sounds were coming from within the movies, actually in the scene, or a part of the narration. The transition between the operatic and orchestra music made everything vey dramatic and suspenseful. Instead of focusing so much on content and message (which are also important), I could have talked about how the director’s choices when it came to the film created this message.
The seminar was overall very useful and I will definitely apply what I learned to future blog posts.

3 thoughts on “how to…

  1. It seems like you had a meaningful session and really learnt a lot. While school work begins to pile up over the semester, most of us won’t have much time to watch many movies. As such, I look to your future movie reviews – they’ll be great to help us decide which films to watch!

  2. This is helpful to know! I didn’t go to this seminar myself, but I wish I did. I do think people (and myself) tend to focus too much on the content, and not enough on the “stylistic elements” as you say, which are things that actually effect the viewers watching experience. A really good plot can end up being a horrible movie if the director doesn’t wrap the viewers in with sensory detail successfully. I’ll keep this in mind if I ever write a movie review!

  3. It’s great to see how much you learned from this session because I also used to just focus on content. Now, I, like you, am much more aware of the style elements that I never really focused too much on. I agree that this seminar was really useful and I’m sure that we both will now appreciate films much more after all we learned!