Dear Romance Studies Faculty, Graduate Students and Staff,

As we progress with our fourth full week of remote work, I hope you are all adjusting to some kind of routine. Maintaining a reasonable work life balance has been especially challenging for me personally, and for many others I’ve spoken to over the past few weeks. Everyone will deal with our current situation in a different way. Remember, this isn’t simply “working from home,” rather we are “at home, attempting to work during a crisis.” Please remember to be kind to yourself, and remember to take some time during the day for a stretch, a walk, or just a break to get yourself up and away from the computer screen.

Interview with Mindfulness Pioneer

The New York Times Magazine published an interview with mindfulness pioneer, Jack Kornfield over the weekend. The subject of the interview and the interviewer in this article address several thoughtful questions designed to give voice to the many feelings we are all grappling with during this crisis.

Greenstar Temporarily Closes DeWitt Mall Location

Downtown Ithaca residents should be aware that due to drastically reduced business, the DeWitt Mall location of Greenstar has been temporarily closed.

Please feel free to reach out if you feel the need to connect with somebody, need support or simply have questions. We are all in this together, and doing the best we can given the circumstances.

Stay well, stay home and stay in touch,

Mary Beth