04 Mar 2019: APS March Meeting: Using orthogonal shear and acoustic excitation to tune thickening and jamming in suspensions

Randomized, noncomparative, phase II trial of early switch from docetaxel to cabazitaxel or vice versa, with integrated biomarker analysis, in men with chemotherapy-naive, metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer

Expression of AR-V7 and ARv567es in circulating tumor cells correlates with outcomes to taxane therapy in men with metastatic prostate cancer treated in TAXYNERGY

Analytical Chemistry, 2017: Separation of 300 and 100 nm Particles in Fabry−Perot Acoustofluidic Resonators

12 Sep 2017: ELKIN 2017: Electrokinetic Readouts of Glycoprotein Expression and Drug Resistance in Cancer Cells

29 Aug 2017: Acoustofluidics 2017: Separation of submicron particles in Fabry-Perot acoustofluidic resonators

31 Jul 2017: Cornell Stem Cell Symposium: Stem Cell Differentiation and Teratoma-Forming Potential in hiPSC-Derived Neural Cultures

Phys. Rev. E, 2017: Decorrelation correction for nanoparticle tracking analysis of dilute polydisperse suspensions in bulk flow

Submitted, 2016: Cytoplasmic permittivity and conductivity computed from electrorotation spectra negatively correlate with BODIPY fluorescence in nitrogen-starved Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Submitted, 2016: Automated electrorotation shows the electrokinetic separation in pancreatic cancer cells is robust to acquired chemotherapy resistance, serum starvation, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Accepted, Cytometry A, 2016: Comparison and Optimization of Machine Learning Methods for Automated Classification of Circulating Tumor Cells

10 Oct 2016: MicroTAS 2016: Separation of cancer-cell-derived microvesicles and exosomes in microfluidic Fabry-Perot acoustic resonators

9 Aug 2016: Gordon Conference on Rare Cells in Circulation: Manipulating rare cells and vesicles in microfluidic devices: Interrogating drug resistance and surgical risk staging

7 Jun 2016: ACS Colloids: Measuring and manipulating cancer-specific extracellular shed vesicle populations

Accepted, Electrophoresis, 2016: Surface Conductivity in Electrokinetic Systems with Porous and Charged Interfaces: Analytical Approximations and Numerical Results

Lannin Presents Work Characterizing Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells at AiCHE/AES 2015 Annual Meeting

15 Jan 2016: Sibley Graduate Research Symposium: Accurate correction of drift in colloidal particle tracking

PLoS ONE, 2015: Measurement of Lipid Accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris via Flow Cytometry and Liquid-State 1H NMR Spectroscopy for Development of an NMR-Traceable Flow Cytometry Protocol

31 May 2015: Gordon Conference on Microfluidics: Informing the design of nanoparticle separation microdevices: The effect of polydispersity on particle tracking algorithms

31 May 2015: Gordon Research Conference on Microfluidics: Controlling Microfluidic Transport for Rare Cell and Vesicle Capture

Biomedical Microdevices, 2015: A Transfer Function Approach for Predicting Rare Cell Capture Microdevice Performance

16 Feb 2015: 5th Annual Circulating Tumor Cells and Cell-Free DNA conference: Circulating Tumor Cells: linking analysis to surgical and medical care

Biomicrofluidics, 2015: Enhancing sensitivity and specificity in rare cell capture microdevices with dielectrophoresis

Physical Biology, 2014: Cancerous epithelial cell lines shed extracellular vesicles with a bimodal size distribution that is sensitive to glutamine inhibition

16 Nov 2014: AES Electrophoresis Society Meeting: Electrokinetic Manipulation for Characterization and Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells

Analytical Chemistry, 2014: Single-Cell Copy Number Analysis of Prostate Cancer Cells Captured with Geometrically Enhanced Differential Immunocapture Microdevices

Biomedical Microdevices, 2014: Microfluidic isolation of cancer-cell-derived microvesicles from heterogeneous extracellular shed vesicle populations

22 Oct 2014: Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting: Using Rare Cell Capture to Understand Metastasis

3 Aug 2014: Gordon Research Conference on Rare Cells in Circulation: Single-nucleus sequencing of prostate cancer cells captured with GEDI microdevices

3 Aug 2014: Gordon Research Conference on Rare Cells in Circulation: Parallel capture of pancreatic cancer cells

3 Aug 2014: Gordon Research Conference on Rare Cells in Circulation: Informing high performance capture of circulating tumor cells using a hybrid dielectrophoresis and immunocapture microdevice

Huang published in Biomicrofluidics, began postdoctoral appointment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Biomicrofluidics, 2014: Characterization of microfluidic shear-dependent epithelial cell adhesion molecule immunocapture and enrichment of pancreatic cancer cells from blood cells with dielectrophoresis

5 July 2014: Gordon Research Conference on Genomic Instability: Single-nucleus sequencing of prostate cancer cells captured with GEDI microdevices

23 June 2014: Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors: Electrorotation of Cancer Cells to Optimize Performance of Dielectrophoresis Capture Devices

21 June 2014: Gordon Research Seminar on Bioanalytical Sensors: Electrorotation of Cancer Cells to Optimize Performance of Dielectrophoresis Capture Devices

15 June 2014: 13th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Biodesign, and Bioinnovation: Using Rare Cell Capture to Understand Metastasis

Godla awarded fellowship and travel grant to attend 13th International Summer School on Biocomplexity, Bioinnovation, and Biodesign

16 Mar 2014: ACS National Meeting: Multiplex measurement of algal lipid content via dielectric spectroscopy, flow cytometry, and 1H NMR

13 Mar 2014: Cornell Materials Science Colloquium: Rare Cell Capture and Analysis in GEDI Microdevices: New Clinical and Engineering Opportunities

7 Mar 2014: Sibley Graduate Research Symposium: Electrorotation of Cancer Cells to Optimize Performance of Dielectrophoresis Capture Devices

Gastroenterology, 2014: Detection of Circulating Pancreas Epithelial Cells in Patients With Pancreatic Cystic Lesions

Lab on a Chip, 2014: Microfluidic immunocapture of circulating pancreatic cells using parallel EpCAM and MUC1 capture: characterization, optimization and downstream analysis

18 Jan 2014: Society for Lab Automation and Screening: Circulating tumor cell (CTC) cancer biomarkers using geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture (GEDI) microdevices

17 Jan 2014: Edwards Lecture, Oregon State University: Geometrically Enhanced Differential Immunocapture: Using obstacle arrays in microfluidic devices to enhance efficient and pure rare cell capture from fluid suspensions

7 Jan 2014: Biomedical Engineering Society – Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Meeting: On-chip Tumor Microenvironment for Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation and Culture

24 Nov 2013: APS Division of Fluid Dynamics: Streaming potential and conductivity measurements reveal electrokinetic properties of porous and charged layers

27 Oct 2013: MicroTAS: Parallelized microfluidic immunocapture of circulating pancreas cells for the early detection of pancreatic carcinogenesis

27 Oct 2013: MicroTAS: Novel Microfluidic Platforms for the Interrogation of Patient-Derived CTCs and Tumor-Derived Microvesicles

27 Oct 2013: MicroTAS: Enrichment of prostate cancer cells from blood cells with a hybrid dielectrophoresis and immunocapture microfluidic system

Physical Review E, 2013: Force and Flux Relations for Flows of Ionic Solutions between Parallel Plates with Porous and Charged Layers

Lannin Attends BMES Annual Conference; Presents Poster on Machine Learning for Identification of CTCs from Images

25 Sep 2013: BMES: A Hybrid Dielectrophoresis and Immunocapture System for Enhanced Capture of Circulating Tumor Cells

25 Sep 2013: BMES: Machine Learning Outperforms Manual Counting for Classifying Circulating Tumor Cells from Cancer Patients

25 Sep 2013: BMES: Multiplexed Microfluidic Immunocapture of Circulating Pancreas Cells for the Early Detection of Pancreatic Carcinogenesis

25 Sep 2013: BMES: Novel Microfluidic Platforms for the Interrogation of Patient-Derived CTCs and Tumor-Derived Microvesicles

19 Sep 2013: Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility Annual Meeting: A Hybrid Dielectrophoresis and Immunocapture Microfluidic System for Enhanced Rare Cell Capture

Smith’s Captura Diagnostics wins $25,000 Grants For Growth award to develop commercial cell capture prototype

Thege awarded poster award at the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics

28 Jul 2013: SES Summer Meeting: Electrokinetic response in systems with fluid-permeable and charged layers

Biomedical Microdevices, 2013: Enrichment of prostate cancer cells from blood cells with a hybrid dielectrophoresis and Immunocapture microfluidic system

9 Jun 2013: Gordon Research Conference on Microfluidics: Machine Learning Outperforms Manual Counting for Classifying Circulating Tumor Cells from Cancer Patients

9 Jun 2013: Gordon Research Conference on Microfluidics: Multiplexed Microfluidic Immunocapture of Circulating Pancreas Cells for the Early Detection of Pancreatic Carcinogenesis

9 Jun 2013: Gordon Research Conference on Microfluidics: Capture and interrogation of circulating tumors cells by use of geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture (GEDI) microfluidic devices

Tim Lannin and Fredrik Thege to present their work at Microfluidics Gordon Research Conference in Barga, Italy

6 Jun 2013: Select Biosciences 2013 Nano and Microfluidics conference: Functional and Genetic Analysis of CTCs captured with GEDI Microdevices

31 May 2013: ASCO: TAXYNERGY (NCT01718353): A randomized phase II trial examining an early switch from first-line docetaxel to cabazitaxel, or cabazitaxel to docetaxel, in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)

6 Apr 2013: AACR: Development of a HER2-based GEDI microfluidic device for the molecular characterization of CTCs from metastatic breast cancer patients

6 Apr 2013: AACR: Using CTCs to interrogate mechanisms of taxane resistance in the prospective TAXYNERGY clinical trial in prostate cancer

28 Mar 2013: ACS: Quantitative in situ measurement of algal lipid content via dielectric spectroscopy

17 Mar 2013: Pittcon: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells Captured With GEDI Microdevices

10 Feb 2013: Gordon Research Conference on Fibronectin, Integrins, & Related Molecules: Capture and Interrogation of Circulating Tumor Cells in Tissue-Engineered Geometrically Enhanced Differential Immunocapture Microfluidic Devices

Biomedical Microdevices, 2012: Immunocapture of Prostate Cancer Cells with Anti-PSMA Antibodies in Microdevices

PLos One, 2012: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells with a Prostate-Cancer-Specific Microfluidic Device

Soft Matter, 2012: Soft Diffuse Interfaces in Electrokinetics-Theory and experiment for transport in charged diffuse layers

Frontiers in Cancer Molecular Targets and Therapeutics, 2012: Isolation and characterization of circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer

New publication: Functional Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells with a Prostate-Cancer-Specific Microfluidic Device

New Publication: Immunocapture of prostate cancer cells by use of anti-PSMA antibodies in microdevices

New publication: Micro-total analysis system for virus detection: microfluidic pre-concentration coupled to liposome-based detection

New publication: Ambient pressure effects on the electrokinetic potential of Zeonor–water interfaces

New publication: Stiffness of photocrosslinked RGD-alginate gels regulates adipose progenitor cell behavior

Tissue Engineering C, 2011: Methods for photocrosslinking alginate hydrogel scaffolds with high cell viability

New publication: Electrothermal flow effects in insulating (electrodeless) dielectrophoresis systems


Electrophoresis,2010: Electrothermal flow effects in insulating (electrodeless) dielectrophoresis systems

New publication: Control of the Electromechanical Properties of Alginate Hydrogels via Ionic and Covalent Cross-Linking and Microparticle Doping

Control of the Electromechanical Properties of Alginate Hydrogels via Ionic and Covalent Cross-Linking and Microparticle Doping

Lab on a Chip, 2010: Capture of circulating tumor cells from whole blood of prostate cancer patients using geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture (GEDI) and a prostate-specific antibody

New publication: Capture of circulating tumor cells from whole blood of prostate cancer patients using geometrically enhanced differential immunocapture (GEDI) and a prostate-specific antibody

Electrophoresis, 2009: Transient zeta-potential measurements in hydrophobic, TOPAS microfluidic substrates

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2009: Refolding of beta-galactosidase: microfluidic device for reagent metering and mixing and quantification of refolding yield

New publication: Refolding of β-galactosidase: microfluidic device for reagent metering and mixing and quantification of refolding yield

Methods In Bioengineering: Biomicrofabrication and Biomicrofluidics, 2009: Dielectrophoresis for Cell and Particle Manipulations

Sowmya Kondapalli passes PhD candidacy exam: Development of microfluidic devices for biopharmaceutical production and biotoxin detection

New publication: Zeta potential and electroosmotic mobility in microfluidic devices fabricated from hydrophobic polymers: 2. Slip and interfacial water structure

New publication: Zeta potential and electroosmotic mobility in microfluidic devices fabricated from hydrophobic polymers: 1. The origins of charge

Electrophoresis, 2008: Zeta potential and electroosmotic mobility in microfluidic devices fabricated from hydrophobic polymers: 2. Slip and interfacial water structure

Electrophoresis, 2008: Zeta potential and electroosmotic mobility in microfluidic devices fabricated from hydrophobic polymers: 1. The origins of charge

New publication: Continuous-Flow Particle Separation by 3D Insulative Dielectrophoresis Using Coherently Shaped, dc-Biased, ac Electric Fields

Analytical Chemistry, 2007: Continuous-Flow Particle Separation by 3D Insulative Dielectrophoresis Using Coherently Shaped, DC-Biased, AC Electric Fields

Physical Review Letters, 2006: Low-Light-Level Optical Interactions with Rubidium Vapor in a Photonic Band-Gap Fiber

New publication: Low-Light-Level Optical Interactions with Rubidium Vapor in a Photonic Band-Gap Fiber

Electrophoresis, 2005: The zeta potential of cyclo-olefin polymer microchannels and its effects on insulative (electrodeless) dielectrophoresis particle trapping devices

Analytical Chemistry, 2004: On-Chip High-Pressure Picoliter Injector for Pressure-Driven Flow through Porous Media

Analytical Chemistry, 2004: Electrophoretic Concentration of Proteins at Laser-Patterned Nanoporous Membranes in Microchips

Analytical Chemistry, 2004: Microchip Dialysis of Proteins Using in Situ Photopatterned Nanoporous Polymer Membranes

Electrophoresis, 2004: Zeta potential of microfluidic substrates: 1. Theory, experimental techniques, and effects on separations

Sensors and Actuators B, 2003: Increasing the Performance of High-Pressure, High-Efficiency Electrokinetic Micropumps Using Zwitterionic Solute Additives

Lab on a Chip, 2003: Programmable Modification of Cell Adhesion and Zeta Potential in Silica Microchips

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2000: Imaging of CO and CO2 using infrared planar laser-induced fluorescence