Cornell Micro/Nanofluidics Laboratory

The Micro/Nanofluidics Laboratory, directed by Professor Brian Kirby, is a research group in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University devoted to research on understanding and application of micro- and nanofluidic systems. Microfluidics and nanofluidics describe fluid-mechanical regimes and devices defined by the length scale of the flow channels, the techniques for making the devices, and the dominant physics. Our research focuses on the physics of micro- and nanoscale phenomena in engineered systems (e.g., microdevices) and natural systems (porous media, multiphase systems, biological cells), and applications in energy, biology, and clinical medicine.

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2014_santana_biomedicalmicrodevices_thumbLab-on-a-Chip devices 2016_barbati_electrophoresis_thumbMicrofluidics

2014_huang_biomicrofluidics_thumbElectrokinetics kirbylab hockey logoPeople
2016_lannin_cytometrya_thumbCirculating Tumor Cells 2014_santana_physbiol_thumbTumor Microvesicles IMG_8554Energy Systems stemcell picStem Cells