Electrophoresis, 2004: Zeta potential of microfluidic substrates: 1. Theory, experimental techniques, and effects on separations

Citation: Brian J. Kirby, Ernest F. Hasselbrink Jr. Zeta potential of microfluidic substrates:
1. Theory, experimental techniques, and effects on separations, Electrophoresis, 25, 187–202, 2004 doi pdf

Abstract: This paper summarizes theory, experimental techniques, and the reported data pertaining
to the zeta potential of silica and silicon with attention to use as microfluidic
substrate materials, particularly for microchip chemical separations. Dependence on
cation concentration, buffer and cation type, pH, cation valency, and temperature are
discussed. The Debye-Hückel limit, which is often correctly treated as a good approximation
for describing the ion concentration in the double layer, can lead to serious
errors if it is extended to predict the dependence of zeta potential on the counterion
concentration. For indifferent univalent electrolytes (e.g., sodium and potassium), two
simple scalings for the dependence of zeta potential on counterion concentration can
be derived in high- and low-z limits of the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzman equation solution
in the double layer. It is shown that for most situations relevant to microchip
separations, the high-z limit is most applicable, leading to the conclusion that the zeta
potential on silica substrates is approximately proportional to the logarithm of the
molar counterion concentration. The z vs. pH dependence measurements from several
experiments are compared by normalizing the z based on concentration.
