Maryblyt 7.1 is now available. The update can be downloaded from the WVU KTFREC web site:
Bill Turechek and Alan Biggs have completed a software revision of Maryblyt 7 for Windows (Maryblyt 7.1). Maryblyt 7.1 incorporates several cosmetic and functional changes, including:
* Capability to run in international units
* Spray effectiveness module that allows users to enter a spray efficacy threshold to account for treatments that are less than 100% effective (default value set to 100%)
* Ability to turn on and off the effect that spraying antibiotic has on EIP and subsequent blossom blight symptoms (BBS) so that users can track symptom development as if they had not sprayed so that BBS can be monitored more effectively and spray effectiveness can be evaluated
* Re-established the audible warning to alert users when an infection event has occurred and provided a switch to turn it on and off.
Please feel free to contact Alan Biggs or Bill Turechek if you have any questions.
Alan R. Biggs, Ph.D.
Professor of Plant Pathology
West Virginia University
KTFREC, P.O. Box 609
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Phone: 304-876-6353
FAX: 304-876-6034
Bill Turechek: