In all but one site, and for the second straight week, we’ve seen a drop in BMSB movement to pheromone baited Tedders traps in orchards that have specifically targeted management for this insect pest. This is due to recent and effective management programs combined with BMSB populations moving to overwintering sites over the past week. BMSB adults will continue to contribute to very high numbers in the orchard if left unmanaged, primarily along the wooded edges of apple blocks, during the month of October. In previous years we have seen increasing levels of fruit feeding injury within the first 90′ from the orchard edge near woodlands through the harvest of ‘Pink Lady’ in mid-November.
![Sept. 22nd Data: Monitoring Hudson Valley Orchards for BMSB](
The ‘Provisional Trap Threshold’ of 10 adults per trap per week was developed by Tracy Leskey’s team at USDA ARS-W.V. The threshold provides growers with a scientific basis for management, one that we will continue to test as an action threshold this season.
![Tedders trap using pheromone combination lures in peach.](
As adult movement to tree fruit continues as fruit is harvested, BMSB will be drawn to remaining fruit with increasing concentrations on varieties such as Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Cameo, Fuji, GoldRush and Pink Lady harvested over the next 6 weeks. Since the adults will be moving in and out of orchards, scouting will need to be retained to confirm their presence in late season fruit. The insect will seek host food sources to stock up on reserves to take them through the winter while seeking and moving to urban structures and forest trees (upper canopy of dead trees with ‘flaking’ bark) as overwintering sites. Lack of substantial rainfall leading to dry conditions will likely increasing fruit injury from BMSB as the insect seeks a source for water.
Trap Capture and Scouting Threshold: Throughout the Hudson Valley there is a large disparity between orchards of both presence and abundance of BMSB. In some sites management will need to intensify until the last variety is completely harvested, while in other sites BMSB will not be found in traps in numbers that warrant control measures. In all sites scouting should also continue through the remainder of harvest.
Using the ‘Provisional Trap Threshold’, if BMSB adult captures exceed 10/ trap per week, or if the insect is observed on the tree, using 1 BMSB per 100 feet of perimeter orchard linear row, applications for management of BMSB should be made. Employ the first available window using one of the most effective insecticides that will best fit your harvest schedule.
![2014 Monitoring of 7 Hudson Valley Orchards for BMSB Using #10 and MDT Lures](
The list of the most effective insecticides for BMSB management is found using this link. NYS labeled insecticides effective for use against the BMSB are available in four major classes including pre-mix formulations.
Thionex and Bifenthrin are the most effective insecticides for use against the BMSB. However, at this point in the season early blocks should be managed using Bifenthrin, Danitol and Lannate (14d PHI), with later harvested blocks employing Thionex (21d PHI). Blocks being harvested next week should use Leverage 360 (7d PHI). Boarder applications to cover most vulnerable blocks should be considered.