Last Call….Webinar: HVRL Research Updates for NYS Commercial Apple Pest Management. March 5th. DEC credits

Two (2) tree fruit pest management programs will provide updates to regional tree fruit growers on the efficacy and use strategies of novel and new NYS commercial IPM tools (morning session) or NYS OMRI approved materials (afternoon session) for the 2021 tree fruit growing season.

The webinars are provided via Zoom webinar on March 5th, 2021. The morning session NYS commercial IPM updates begins at 8AM. The afternoon session NYS OMRI approved pest management begins at 1:30.

*Email reservations to HVRL Administrative Assistant Margret Kent ( must be made by March 4th, and is required to receive the Zoom link for attendance and DEC credits. Only 6 occupant seats are available at the HVRL in Highland, NY due to COVID constraints, available on a first come first serve basis. No limit to Zoom attendance and occupancy.

See the two announcements below:

About Peter J Jentsch

Peter J. Jentsch serves the mid-Hudson Valley pome fruit, grape and vegetable growers as the Senior Extension Associate in the Department of Entomology for Cornell University’s Hudson Valley Laboratory located in Highland, NY. He provides regional farmers with information on insect related research conducted on the laboratory’s 20-acre research farm for use in commercial and organic fruit and vegetable production. Peter is a graduate of the University of Nebraska with a Masters degree in Entomology. He is presently focusing on invasive insect species, monitoring in the urban environment and commercial agricultural production systems throughout the state
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