BMSB Populations Exceed Threshold in Highland Orchards. July 24th, 2018

Adult BMSB on apple foliage.

Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) adult trap captures at the HVRL are above the adult of 10 adults per trap per week. At this point scouting along the orchard / woodland perimeter interface should begin. If one adult is found in trees along 100′ of orchard edge, stink bug management should be strongly considered. BMSB nymphs in the 4th and 5th instar are also present in high numbers this week.

The presence of eggs and early instar nymphs found over the next few weeks may indicate the development of a second generation of BMSB this season. If this occurs we will likely begin to see high numbers of BMSB moving into crops at which point orchard management for the pest near harvest should begin in ernest.

Adult BMSB at THreshold in Tedders Traps, HIghland, NY

Insecticide tools with various degrees of efficacy for BMSB management.

One of the most effective tools for use to manage BMSB is the active ingredient bifenthrin in a number of formulations.

Bifenthrin has a 12 hr. re-entry interval, 14 day pre-harvest interval and a 30 day re-application interval.

We received notice that the EPA has approved the Section 18 application for bifenthrin for use against the brown marmorated stink bug for 2018. Links below provide access to PDF copies of the Section 18 labels for materials containing the A.I. bifenthrin.

Labels should be made available to the applicator during bifenthrin applications. These can be printed or available as digital files such as PDF’s on tablets or smart phones. We were able to add an additional 1000 acres for use in Monroe, Wayne, and Orleans Counties during the application process this year. The exemption is valid now through October 15th as a “Section 18 EXEMPTION, FOR DISTRIBUTION AND USE ONLY IN Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Monroe, Orleans, Wayne and Niagara Counties this year. Use in any other counties is prohibited. IN NEW YORK STATE”.

For all Bifenthrin products, the Section 18 permit can be used in apple, peach and nectarine. Do not apply more than a total of 0.50 lbs ai/acre per season. Apply as necessary to maintain control using a minimum of 30‐day spray intervals, 14-day pre-harvest interval and a 12 hour REI. Bifenthrin labels include:

Bifenture 10DF Insecticide/Miticide (EPA Reg. No. 70506‐227)

Bifenture®EC Agricultural Insecticide (EPA Reg.No.70506‐57)


Life Stages of the BMSB .

About Peter J Jentsch

Peter J. Jentsch serves the mid-Hudson Valley pome fruit, grape and vegetable growers as the Senior Extension Associate in the Department of Entomology for Cornell University’s Hudson Valley Laboratory located in Highland, NY. He provides regional farmers with information on insect related research conducted on the laboratory’s 20-acre research farm for use in commercial and organic fruit and vegetable production. Peter is a graduate of the University of Nebraska with a Masters degree in Entomology. He is presently focusing on invasive insect species, monitoring in the urban environment and commercial agricultural production systems throughout the state
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