The NYS IPM Program team, under the direction of Julliet Carrol, captured SWD females in 2 traps in tart cherry in Wayne County, NY during the week ending on May 31, 2018. The tart cherry block had significant SWD infestation in 2017. Read Dr. Carrol’s Blog Here, excerpts from Julie below
No SWD captures have been observed on sweet cherry, honeysuckle at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory.
Tactics for management:
* Monitor for SWD in the tart cherry orchard (Monitoring Traps: GREAT LAKES IPM, INC., )
* Continue to assess fruit ripening stage as blush signals susceptibility
* Begin management to protect susceptible fruit if SWD has been caught in the orchard.
The SWD insecticide quick guide for stone fruit is available on Cornell Fruit Resources Spotted Wing Management page.
Organic Systems:
* The use of netting to exclude the SWD in organic productions systems is recommended at this time.
* Entrust (Spinosad) is highly effective against SWD. In cherry and other crops, after three consecutive applications, grower must rotate from Entrust (IRAC 5) to different mode of action insecticide.
Entrust is a mixture of spinosyn A and spinosyn D molecules, a naturally derived group of toxicants from a species of Actinomycete bacteria. Spinosad, which acts as both a contact and a stomach poison, is available for use in apples, pears and stone fruits, primarily against obliquebanded leafroller, although activity against spotted tentiform leafminer is also exhibited. Spinosad is essentially nontoxic to birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates, and most beneficials. It has a low bee-poisoning hazard.