Upcoming Apple Forum at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory: Dec. 20, 2016 10:30AM

CALS faculty stationed at the Hudson Valley Research Laboratory (HVRL) will present an Apple Forum on December 20th, 2016 at 10:30AM for apple producers, plant health consultants, CCE Extension representatives, and chemical industry representatives. Feel free to inform other interested parties in this forum and invite them to participate.

A presentation entitled “Establishing Modern Research and Extension on Apple Pathogens: First Key Experiments and Activities” will set the stage for the forum by presenting research efforts within the plant pathology program at the HVRL under the direction of Dr. Srdjan Acimovic. The forum will have a broad purpose of discussing apple diseases while including insect pests and horticultural issues. The goal of apple forum is to inform, discuss, and pinpoint the future directions of research and extension with HVRL members, regional tree fruit growers and interested partners and stakeholders.

All are welcome on a first come basis given our conference room 45 person limited seating capacity.

See you then.


About Peter J Jentsch

Peter J. Jentsch serves the mid-Hudson Valley pome fruit, grape and vegetable growers as the Senior Extension Associate in the Department of Entomology for Cornell University’s Hudson Valley Laboratory located in Highland, NY. He provides regional farmers with information on insect related research conducted on the laboratory’s 20-acre research farm for use in commercial and organic fruit and vegetable production. Peter is a graduate of the University of Nebraska with a Masters degree in Entomology. He is presently focusing on invasive insect species, monitoring in the urban environment and commercial agricultural production systems throughout the state
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