Scouting the HVRL orchard last night there were no signs of plum curculio (PC) or oviposition damage from PC. Evening temperature in the low 40F’s and daytime highs in the low 70F’s with ample moisture are good conditions for PC emergence. We are seeing increasing larva and foliar feeding from young red banded leafroller with a slow start for the overwintering obliquebanded leafroller (OBLR) but present with feeding injury in untreated trees, especially noted in growing terminals. European apple sawfly adults were present laying eggs. There were low levels of leaf curl of rosy apple aphid colonies with populations and leaf curl on the rise.In blocks sprayed with pyrethroids last season we are seeing increasing European red mite (ERM) populations.
Timely applications of insecticides to manage these insects in these varieties are important at the earliest application window (today). Remember, the neonicotinoid Actara is good against PC but very poor, even at highest rates, against the Lep. larva, and as with Calypso (good against internal leps), will control PC, EAS, mullein plant bug and tarnished plant bug. Proclaim and Intrepid against OBLR are good choices, saving Altacor and Delegate for 2nd generation, Movento at the high rate using 2 applications beginning at PF and 2C is a good option against San Jose scale if pre-bloom applications were not applied in blocks where damage to fruit was observed last season.
Many folks have decided not to use Captan at PF due to possible russet issues during this period of succulent foliage and fruit. Agri-Mek requires a penetrating non-ionic surfactant such as 0.25% oil. This window is ideal for ERM management using Agri-mek AS LONG AS NO Captan is present on trees or if Captan is present, Savey / Onager (Hexythiazox) are good alternatives, performing well in trials against early mite build-up where early motiles and egg production will be moving into full swing as drier weather moves into the region.