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How high power distance environments may influence the workplace.

This articles dives into the different dimensions of our cultural identities. While it discusses different pillars, the main one I want to focus on is this idea of power distance. Power distance is essentially the expectation by people in power that power be distributed unequally, and that people within the social groups below them should […]

Applying Game Theory to COVID-19 and Quarantine

Whether or not you were directly infected with COVID-19 or a close family member or friend was infected with the virus, COVID-19 has had a widespread impact on many people’s lives for several years and still continues to affect many today. When looking at the COVID-19 pandemic through a game-theoretic perspective, we all had two […]

Strength of Friendships in Academic Settings

The strength of relationships has been studied through many different lenses for decades. From the rise of gender dysphoria in female friend groups or so-called suicide contagion, it is evident that connections made in life significantly affect individual experiences. Less discussed is how different friendships in life can affect academic performance and social life. According […]

Understanding Cryptocurrency Through Game Theory

Source: Game theory is using mathematical models to make strategic decisions that will be countered by another player or opponent. While game theory has many applications in fields such as economics and social science, we can also use it to analyze and look at the markets, specifically related to Bitcoin. This article models the […]

Oh, you know this band, too?

Reference: Ever meet someone who has the same taste in music as you? You’ll be talking, rattling of artist after artist, song after song, and everything seems to just click. Well, this connection with someone based on their music taste might stem not just because you two like the same things, but because of […]

Managing Impressions Online & Game Theory   The research paper “Managing Impressions Online: Self-Presentation Processes in the Online Dating Environment” was wrote by Nicole Ellison, Rebecca Heino, and Jennifer Gibbs. This paper researches on self-presentation strategies among online dating participants, exploring how participants manage their online self-presentation to achieve their goals of finding a romantic partner.   The difference between […]

Understanding Russian War Strategy Through Weak Ties in Graph Theory

Over 6 months ago, Russia shocked the world when it invaded Ukraine, starting a war on multiple fronts for the Ukrainians. As the war rages on, some have used mathematical theories to understand what are the strategies that will most likely lead to success for both the Ukrainians and Russians. The article mentioned at the […]

Bridges of innovation: weak ties in the workplace

In our transition back to fully in-person classes, there seems to be improvements in the quality and quantity of our social interactions. Sitting in lecture, we are able to build new connections with classmates instead of staring at screens with hundreds of unfamiliar names. Gathering together in a meeting room, we are able to devise […]

Weak Ties

During class, we learned that strong and weak ties each have their own ways of establishing the social networks of each person. In this article by TechCrunch, they explore the impact of the strength of a tie when it comes to looking for a job. The importance of weak ties is elaborated by explaining their […]

The vulnerability of trust

Weak ties matter   Vulnerability is a key component of trust in strong relationships. When individuals allow themselves to be vulnerable with each other, they are opening up the possibility for trust to grow. Even small actions, like asking for help or feedback, can foster a sense of trust and closeness. By being vulnerable, we […]

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September 2022
