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Governmental inaction and civil disobedience

The following article from The Hill:, presents a survey that finds increased anxiety among teenagers and young adults due to concerns about climate change. The article claims that 39% of the interviewed subjects felt uncertain about having children in their future as an attempt to reduce the added carbon footprint. The report emphasized the feeling […]

Game Theory and the Selfless Yeast

In class so far, we have discussed how game theory can help predict human behavior in certain situations — rational players must arrive at one of the Nash equilibriums. Interestingly, equilibriums in nature can also be explained through game theory. A group of MIT researchers found that a population of yeast would always reach an […]

Game Theory, Psychology, and Cartoons

Over the weekend I was having a bowl of cereal while watching one of my favorite shows, Regular Show. In this episode Mordecai and Rigby, the two main characters, decided to play a game of Quartz Parchment Sheers or in other word Rock Paper Scissors (RPS). This game was to decide who would get to […]

Game Theory Predicts Never Before Documented Raven Behavior

                    When I think of ravens, I am quick to imagine a dark scene out of Edgar Allan Poe’s work that parallels ravens’ real-life habit of eating from carcasses. However, these dark-feathered birds also have brights minds. They have been known to bring befriended humans gifts […]

How China Southern Airlines can use Graph Theory to improve its reliability

While researching the profound theories of networks and graphs is crucial and valuable, their applications make the field especially fascinating. In fact, the applications of graphs and networks are incredibly diverse and significant. In this case, a research team used graph theory and networks to help Chinese Southern Airlines (CSA), a local Chinese airline company, […]

Climate Change and Game Theory

Although global warming continuous to increase, the world’s nations seem to be no closer towards securing a net-zero emissions future in a reasonable timeframe. The article illustrates how game theory can be used to describe why this is occurring. For a company or country, using CO2 reliant technology increases profits; overhauling their infrastructure would incur […]

Game Theory on Herd Immunity

The outbreak of COVID-19 caused overwhelming chaos. Although most countries took action as soon as possible, it was very hard for the world to properly react to a new, powerful, and widely spread disease. Even after the vaccine was invented and put into use, many problems still emerged. Some believe the effect of vaccination while […]

To Swipe or Not To Swipe

The dating game in the 21st century has never been more complex. With the ability to communicate with anyone at any given moment and the ability to meet new people at the touch of a screen, technology has introduced many new elements to the process of finding a romantic partner. Tinder tries to offer a […]

Game Theory Applications to Poker

The concepts we have learned about game theory have been applicable in many situations, including war strategy, confessions to crimes, capital allocation in banks, etc. As a result, all of these categories can be considered “games.” In this blog post, I will analyze my favorite game, poker, through the lens of game theory. Poker has […]

The Cold War and the Prisoner’s Dilemma

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union armed themselves in preparation for war against each other. Neither side wanted to make the first move but each side continued to arm itself. Eventually the Soviet Union dropped out when it collapsed in 1991. This arms race can be thought of as a […]

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September 2021
