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TikTok Advertisment with Strong/Weak Ties? Triadic Closure?

TikTok has become very successful in just two years. According to Harvard Business Review, TikTok has emerged to rival companies like Netflix, Youtube, Snapchat, and even Facebook including more than one billion downloads in 150 markets worldwide and 75 languages. On the TikTok app, there are homemade videos that are shown from comedy to lip […]

Link Prediction: Beyond Triadic Closure

The task of link prediction is as follows: given a current graph, predict which edges are likely to form in that graph in the future. This task has many real-world parallels, including the task of recommending friends on social media sites such as Facebook, as we have discussed in class. We have gone into the […]

Content Moderators and the Risk of Creating Local Bridges   Content moderation on Facebook is essential for protecting many of its users. While the specifics of Facebook’s methods may be hotly debated (e.g. the 2021 U.S. Capitol attack), the people involved in carrying out the content moderation are often overlooked.  Accenture is one of the key companies Facebook relies on to handle the […]

Game Theory in the Competition Between Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transit

As the technology of autonomous vehicles continues to develop and mature, the demand for such vehicles continues to increase as well. One form of this new demand is in shared autonomous mobility on demand (AMoD) services. This new form of technology will undoubtedly have some form of impact on public transportation, but whether these two […]

Triadic Closure and Instagram Bots

The topic that has fascinated me the most during these past couple of weeks was the idea of Triadic Closure. Basically, the principle states that a friend of your friend will most likely come in contact or become your friend sometime in the near future. This tactic is used by companies to suggest potential friends […]

COVID-19 and Virtual Work Networks

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many people to work remotely for around 18 months now. While virtual work may have slowed the spread of coronavirus, it has also negatively impacted remote employees’ work networks. Following is a discussion of how work networks have been impacted by the pandemic and what managers can do to mitigate […]

Game Theory and Evolutionary Biology

Game theory is the mathematical analysis for investigating strategies in competitive situations where the outcome for a competitor depends on the choice of action by the other participant(s). It was developed in a groundbreaking book published in 1944 by mathematician John von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern entitled Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.   […]

Cornellians Are Closer Than We Thought

In my SOC 3580 class, we were discussing how higher education is related to income mobility. This discussion was of real value to me because I have always believed that a college education was my way to becoming financially stable. But when applying to colleges, the question arose about whether the pros of college outweighed […]

How Malicious attack affects network’s functioning

We all know that networks surround our everyday life. People around us form networks; different cities connect with each other; web pages cover almost every topic link to one another. However, malicious attacks on large networks can sometimes yield unmeasured loss for everyone. For example, one terrorist attack on crucial transportation networks can potentially “paralyze […]

To Kick or Not to Kick: Decision making for elite runners

Game theory has been applied to countless activities and sports, with each round of the game ending with scoring a point or winning the game. In track and field distance races, game theory acts as a continuous sequence of decisions made by runners, not to achieve the fastest times, but to achieve the best position […]

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September 2021
