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Strong Ties VS Weak Ties in WOM Marketing

Strong and weak ties’ practical applications in real-world settings have been widely discussed. There are lots of theories related to the effectiveness of weak ties, especially in job-seeking settings. As a Communication major, I am personally interested in learning how advertising influences people’s minds and behaviors. Therefore, I found this paper on strong ties versus […]

Game theory in Rock-Paper-Scissor

Given that the current chapter of the class in is on game theory, I wanted to apply this concept on a simple game like rock paper scissor. Everyone knows the game and it seems like a fairly balanced game. The players have 3 options, play Rock, Paper or Scissor: Rock crushes Scissor, Scissor cuts Paper, […]

Everyone knows everyone! But are we really friends?

Did you know that your friend’s uncle’s brother’s neighbor might be friends with Donald Trump? The idea that everyone knows everyone is known as the six degrees of separation theory. Although we have an estimate of 7.9 billion people in the world today, the fact that everyone is accessing the internet made us an interconnected […]

Echo Chambers and a Healthy Network

“Measuring magnetism: how social media creates echo chambers” ( by Michele Travierso gives a brief introduction to how different mechanisms of different social media platforms are enhancing echo chambers. Echo chambers refer to “situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal.” [1] The […]

Commentary: “How game theory could solve the COVID vaccine rollout puzzle”

In light of the recent pandemic, many Americans are experiencing long lines for vaccines, long wait times for testing, and other inconveniences surrounding a key healthcare initiative: getting vaccinated. Vaccination against COVID-19 has been cited and studied as the singular best way to combat the pandemic, and with American vaccination rates already skyrocketing and people […]

Terrorism and Game Theory

     Yesterday marked the twentieth anniversary of one of the worst terrorist attacks to occur on U.S soil. Many people including myself were impacted by this day in some shape or form and the current events happening in Afghanistan are becoming a growing concern to many. Nine years after 9/11, Kevin Chlebik published the […]

Game Theory vs The Art of War: Theoretical Precision vs Practical Psychology As we are discussing game theory in this course, one thing I couldn’t help thinking about is how the decisions that one should make given a game state sounds similar to the logical arguments for choices made in the ancient text, The Art of War. Both game theory and The Art of War look […]

Game theory in killer whales

Looking for examples of game theory in nature, I looked for examples of game theory in animal behavior. The Upenn paper describes the scenario, “stag hunt”, is used to describe when two or more hunters are hungry and looking for food. If they work together, they can kill a stag and eat it together, since […]

Network applications in 2021: misinformation spread and pandemic modeling

In the contemporary world where people are strongly connected, the applications of graph analysis have been greatly expanded by Network scientists to solve more problems we are facing. The article above discusses several potential and accomplished applications shared by top network science researchers at the 2021 Graph Exploitation Symposium, hosted by MIT Lincoln Laboratory. These […]

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September 2021
