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The Spread of Disease and Transmission Awareness

When we think of the spread of widespread disease there is usually a focus on how to stop the initial susceptibility to the specific virus. But once the disease is out into the world and difficult to quarantine, it is usually much more of an involved task to get the strain of disease treated or […]

Creating Walkable Cities   In today’s fast-paced world, the bustle of everyday life can often get in the way of sustainability and development. To mitigate this problem, urban designers and architects have been developing pedestrian-friendly cities. Walkable cities mean less cars on the road, which means less traffic congestion, less automobile accidents, and less pollution. Cornell researchers […]

Tuna Carbon Ratios Reveal Shift in Food Web

Link to article: The article, Tuna Carbon Ratios Reveal Shift in Food Web, discusses how the ratio of carbon isotopes in tuna has caused the species to change substantially since 2000. These changes indicated that major shifts have also been taking place in the phytoplankton populations: which are the populations that form the underlying structure […]


Source: Akbarpour, Mohammad, and Matthew O. Jackson. “Diffusion in Networks and the Virtue of Burstiness.” PNAS, National Academy of Sciences, 24 July 2018, In their work, Akbarpour & Jackson examine the varying effects different types of individual behavior have on the spread of information throughout a network (2018). According to the authors, individual behavior […]

Greek life, and the power elite

While universities are generally regarded as pathways to attaining knowledge, many applicants consider the networking potential these universities offer more than they consider anything else. These applicants may even do so unknowingly: as a legacy student at a particular university, admission would cement your position of power by virtue of a social network of similarly […]

SIR Model for Fake News Spreading through WhatsApp This papers analyzes the spread of fake news through WhatsApp using the SIR model. This paper analyzes WhatsApp for two particular reasons. Primarily, Whatsapp’s encryption of its messages prohibits governments from being able to take action as the platform lacks a manner to view the information spread using the service. Secondly WhatsApp is analyzed […]

Can Cascades be Predicted?

Source: “Can Cascades be Predicted?” by Justin Cheng, Lada A. Adamic, P. Alex Dow, Jon Kleinberg, Jure Leskovec Cascades are a fascinating facet of social networks that have many characteristics and properties to study. One interesting question is how well can cascades be predicted? The paper, “Can Cascades be Predicted?,” explores this exact topic. The […]

The Game Theory of Evolution

Animals within a species competing for food, shelter or mating partners oftentimes display conflict that can be best described as a ‘limited war’ (Smith). This means that whereas in the normal notion of a war, opponents fight to kill or injure their rivals, in this limited war ideology, opponents seek to prove their dominance over […]

Tagging Networks in Stack Exchange Communities

This is a paper from our Instructor Austin Benson that conducted a careful analysis of tagging networks in stack exchange communities. ( The advance of network community has given rise to the appearance of many question answering system. Specifically, we have seen social media like quora and reddit where users could post questions and experience […]

The Effects of Instagram’s Decision to Remove the Display of Likes Over the past few months, Instagram has been removing the display of likes on images in certain countries. In the last few weeks, this became a worldwide change. In lecture, we learned about the “boom-or-bust” effect of the display of people’s reaction to certain content. This effect is the result of reactor’s decisions based […]

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December 2019
