An Auction Hybrid
At Rubicon Project, a company specializing in online advertising based in Los Angeles, recently announced its goals to offer greater transparency to its partners, tackling issues such as some suppliers mislabeling the type of auction they are running or raising the price floor without their buyers knowing. In this article, The Drum interviews the chief […]
Accelerated Mobile Pages by Google This article published in 2015 describes a project call Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Google. The project aims to shorten the time needed to load a page on mobile devices by storing a copy of the content in the servers near the readers. One of the reasons that loading the webpages takes […]
Pagerank and Quantum Physics Pagerank is vital to a search engines ability to tailor important results to a specific result. It is a main factor in how the search engine Google provides search results. Typically, the higher the Pagerank, the more important the webpage and therefore the higher its placing in the results. Pagerank is easy to […]
Lions and Lambs This article covers a classic game theory puzzle, called lions and lambs. In this puzzle there are lions on an island who are players who compete over the resources(food) on the island. In the problem, all of the lions on the island are aware that all of the lions are equal in all ways […]
Construction industry and reverse auction
This article introduces the concept of electronic reverse auction bidding and how it would interact with the construction industry. Reverse auction is a type of auction in which the roles of buyer and seller are reversed. In a reverse auction, the sellers compete to obtain business from the buyer and prices will typically decrease as […]
A Balance between First and Second Price Auctions In this article, the author interviews the Rubicon Project’s CTO and ask hims why his company is transitioning to a hybrid auction model from a complete second price auction model. Tom Kershaw, the CTO, begins by explaining that his company is definitely not moving completely towards a first price auction. He argues that going […]
Criticism on PageRank – Axis of Evil in the Spam-Crowded Web?
As discussed in the class, Google’s algorithm of determining which web page is relevant as a search result, namely PageRank, is closely related with the extent of connectivity of the web page. The more it is connected with other web pages with relevant topics, the more “important” and “relevant” is the page determined according to […]
Google and EU Google has a 90 percent share of internet searches around Europe, and under European law, it is prohibited from using this monopolistic position to give its other services an advantage. As a result, Google was fined $4.5 billion dollars. However, the article discusses how critics believe that Google’s response to the accusation isn’t adequate. […]
Real Life Applications of VCG Auctions and GSP Auctions I found this article interesting because it was an extension of the applications of the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves and Generalized Second Price Auctions. Specifically, it discusses Facebook, Google, and Twitter’s uses of the two systems and what the impacts and implications of that are. This article goes more in depth about the company specifics than we […]
Microsoft – “More evil than satan himself,” 1999 Google-Bomb
Source – With the ever expanding internet, Information Retrieval has become one of the core components of the World Wide Web. Every user demands quick and accurate search results. Successful implementation of quick and accurate searching algorithms is the key deciding factor between successful companies and their competitors. However, manipulation of IR algorithms […]
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