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How Google’s search algorithm spreads false information with a rightwing bias

Source:   This article goes on about Google’s search algorithm and how it has been problematic in light of current events. During the presidential election last year, there was a large influx of fake news popping up both on Facebook and Google searches. For example, the article highlights the following, “Following a recent investigation […]

Rubicon Project CTO: ‘Second-price auctions still drive liquidity into the system   Rubicon Project’s chief technology officer Tom Kershaw discusses the projects’ purpose of solving the header bidding problem in the article “‘Rubicon Project CTO: ‘Second-price auctions still drive liquidity into the system’.” The ad publishing industry is known for selling ads to media partners in a second-price auction format. However, this type of auction […]

PageRank algorithm in cancer research

1.6 million Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year alone. The disease is so widespread, it would be hard to find a single person who hasn’t been affected or known someone who has. But despite this, cancer is still incredibly deadly and cures remain elusive. Researchers are trying basically anything they can […]

A Truly World-Wide Web Elon Musk being Elon Musk, is attempting to create a network of satellites that would provide cheap, fast internet access to the entire world. While this task seems Herculean, at this point it probably isn’t wise to doubt the willpower of Musk. Musk plans to launch over 4,000 satellites into Earth’s orbit in order […]

The Bidding War for Amazon

Amazon has recently announced that it is building a new headquarter and it is looking for a location suitable to hold its site. In response, many cities engaged in a bidding war for the opportunity of being a new home to this tech titan. The economic benefits of hosting a major company headquarters is immense […]

Game Theory to the Rescue of Dating Lives

This article expressed something that occurs very commonly in out everyday life, and then discussed how the problem pervaded in the dating app market. Lastly, they propose that the solution to women’s problems, at least in the online world, is through game theory. Essentially, app creators and both male and female users alike are having […]

Manipulating the PageRank algorithm

The article is discussing the history of the PageRank algorithm that Google uses to index its search results. It then starts describing “Google-bombing” which is a term that the article uses to describe the act of intentionally creating links on the internet in order to bias the results of the PageRank algorithm. It describes a […]

Mathematics of Love: The Game of Dating Game Theory has many applications in the real world. From economic markets, to traffic modelling, game theory became one of the most famous mathematical models of 20th century. The article above talks about how we can come up with dominant strategy for game of dating! Namely, if we think of a date as a […]

The “Warrior Caste”

In this article, the term “warrior caste” is used to label the section of society which has consistently and disproportionately served in our military. The isolation of these families and of military culture from the rest of society is detrimental to those who currently serve our country, veterans who return, as well as those who […]

“Takeover times for a simple model of network infection”

The work of Ottino-Löffler, Scott, and Strogatz investigates the probability density function associated with a simple disease propagation model in various networks. The disease propagation model is as follows. Originally a single node is infected. At each iteration, a random node in the network is chosen and if that node is infected, a random node connected to […]

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October 2017
