eBay And Auctions
When eBay began its business, the only payment option is auction. I still remembered my cousin bragging about getting a vintage skateboard after a series of intense bidding. Online auction used to be a popular form of entertainment for people. But after Youtube and Facebook took over the internet, people didn’t need the auction games […]
Link Spam, and Nofollow
Source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-google-yahoo-askcom-treat-the-no-follow-link-attribute/4801/ Introduced in early 2005, the HTML link relation attribute “nofollow” is a characteristic assigned to some or all of the links on a webpage meant to communicate to a browser that the link is not to be used to generate page rank values. This is important for websites such as Wikipedia or post-filled websites […]
Manipulating PageRank — Adversarial IR and the rise of the Google-bomb
Peter Hamilton’s Google-bombing – Manipulating the PageRank Algorithm highlights a variety of adversarial information retrieval (IR) strategies — techniques used to manipulate information retrieval algorithms into prioritizing specific pages and documents. Specifically, it discusses the so-called “Google Bomb”, a set of such adversarial IR strategies targeted specifically towards Google’s PageRank algorithm. Here, Hamilton explains some […]
Google Must Take Mobile Sites into Account for Rankings
Source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/4-important-ranking-factors-according-seo-industry-studies/184619/ Everyone I know uses Google every single day. Whenever there is something that needs to be understood better, a sports game score that needs to be checked or a certain movie scene needs to be watched, Google is the go-to source. Google seems to have the best system for ranking pages out of all […]
Around a year ago, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones had been catching on fire and and exploding since their initial distribution to customers. The situation was particularly damaging to Samsung’s reputation because their replacement phones, despite the promise to fix the defect, continue to burst into flames, and this situation led Samsung to issue a […]
Connecting Employers and Employees
Headhunters play a crucial role in pairing employees and employers. Every employer is looking for qualified employees to fill their open positions. Additionally, potential employees are looking for job opportunities. The network can be broken down into a Network exchange where an employee and employer negotiate whether to make a deal on a job. The […]
eBay looks to change the way users pursue auctions
Source: https://tamebay.com/2017/10/new-make-offer-feature-launches-ebay-auctions.html This article discusses the new ‘make offer’ feature that has recently started to emerge on several listings found on eBay. This new option appears on fixed price listings in which potential buyers make there ‘best offer’ on the auction with the goal of obtaining the item at a lower cost. However, this new […]
Market-Clearing Prices and Broadway Shows
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/08/business/broadway-theater-ticket-prices.html The article by Stewart addresses the issues surrounding dynamic pricing of Broadway show tickets. As the demand for a performance increases, rather than charging consumers a fixed amount of money, “costs shift constantly to match demand.” As a result, there was backlash among many buyers complaining about the different costs, treating them as unfair […]
PageRank and Human Memory
In a paper by Thomas Griffiths, Mark Steyvers, and Alana Firl (2007), the authors propose that computers and the human mind face a similar task when required to retrieve stored information in response to a query. The researchers determined that performance on a fluency task could be predicted using a concept we have covered in […]
Power in Acquisition Relationships: Facebook Acquires tbh
Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/16/facebook-acquires-anonymous-teen-compliment-app-tbh-will-let-it-run/ Anyone with even the slightest notion of market fairness understands the risk of gargantuan companies like Facebook acquiring startups. At some point, it becomes questionable whether these acquisitions add enough societal value to outweigh the adverse effects of increased market share for the top few corporations. Moreover, fairness at the level of bargaining […]
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