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Healthy Eating Habits and Game Theory

Currently in the United States, obesity is running rampant among all age classes throughout the country and can be seen especially in young children and adolescents.  While there are many different explanations for this spreading medical condition, one major cause stems from people’s general eating habits.  From a young age, children become accustomed to eating […]

The British Riots

With the rapid growth of social media over the past few years, there have been positive outcomes as well as negative ones. On the bright side, social networking has rendered the world a smaller place; it has united people from different parts of the world and created an easy method of sharing information. In contrast, […]

Nokia-Microsoft partnership: the only chance for the former mobile-phone juggernaut?

As a former cellphone powerhouse, Nokia used to sell around 440 million mobile phones per year, which was around 40% of the total global sales. However, history does not repeat itself. According to the report of the first quarter in 2012, the market share of Nokia has fallen greatly to only 22.5%. Under the pressure […]

Facebook wants YOU to go out and vote.

In 2010, the University of California conducted a study in which a Facebook note disseminated to 60 million facebook users prompted users to go out and register to vote.  The Bloomberg article here ( states that the note may have been responsible for 340,000 votes in the 2010 Congressional election.  When surveyed, 80% of interviewees […]

Structural Balance and group conformity

I’ll start my blog with a fact I notice in my recent life. The annual career fair is coming up, and the campus is once again loaded with the heavy pre-professional atmosphere which, combined with the silently yet uniformly-practiced “Play hard, study hard, and network hard” motto so common among  fellow Cornellians, exemplifies the elitism […]

Huawei Gaining Ground While America Stays Skeptical

Within the past decade, Chinese telecoms-equipment providers, like Huawei,has expanded into global markets, flooding other countries with software and networking hardware. The main concern, however, lies in the integrity of the equipment, as many countries (especially America) fear that the Chinese company might rig critical telecom systems with backdoors that allow the Chinese to eavesdrop […]

Game Theory and Peer-to-Peer Sharing

File sharing on the Internet is the process of obtaining access to digitally stored information online.Nowadays, one way of sharing files through the internet is known as the Peer-to-peer file sharing.Peer-to-peer(P2P) communication is provided through the sharing of widely distributed resource in the Internet, there is no specific server needed and individuals collect the information […]

The Emerging Revolution in Game Theory

Game theory, a discipline widely used by economists, political scientists and psychologists to study strategic decision making, is considered to be a topic fully and thoroughly understood by experts.  The Prisoner’s Dilemma, a situation which pits Alice and Bob in a criminal situation in which their decisions will affect their jail time, is one of the most […]

Can social networking help solve real-world problems?

In class we discussed Stanley Milgrim’s 1967 experiment where he chose a collection of 296 randomly chosen “starters” to begin forwarding a letter to a “target” person using their group of friends. The median length of the sixty-four chains that did succeed in reaching the “target” was six. Twenty years later this statistic was used […]

The Role of Networks in 9/11 Given the date, I thought it would be interesting to research the role of networks in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Al Qaeda is in itself a terrorist network spanning across numerous countries.  The nature of this network illustrates how the 9/11 attack occurred as well as gives some indication of the struggle to destroy […]

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Blogging Calendar

September 2012
