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Facebook: The real prisoner’s dilemma There are very few places left that are outside of the grasp of facebook’s social network. One would think that a maximum security prison would be one of those remaining places where you can’t update a status or poke a friend, but in the age of cellphones that is no longer the case. This […]

Microsoft’s Project Waterloo: How the Facebook Community May Contribute to Game Theory A phenomenon has occurred in recent years in which internet networking sites, such as Facebook, have made it possible for individuals to reconnect with individuals from the past, keep in touch with current friends and acquaintances, and meet people that they may not otherwise meet.  Not only are they able to “meet” and talk, […]

Exposing the Con

It should go without saying that almost everyone wants money without having to work for any of it. Think of how amazing it would be if you were suddenly endowed with a multi-million dollar fortune, it would take away all the stress of school (If you even decide to stay there), job hunting, finding a […]

Directionally Challenged Europe

Europe’s financial compass seems to currently point towards ruin: seventeen European Union member-states that share a common currency, the Euro, face dire pecuniary straits. Since its 1999 inception, the monetary unit has allowed states from the tip of Iberia to the shores of Ionia to use equally-valued currency. Northern, Western, and Southern Europe once clamored […]

Triadic Closure on Tumblr Founded in 2007 by David Karp, and currently valued at $800 million, Tumblr has grown since its inception and has become the 10th largest social networking site.  Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to upload a variety of content including pictures, text, links and videos and share them with other users.  The unique […]

Network Balance and the Two-Party System

To an outsider, the two-party political system in the US can be quite strange. And even for those of us who have grown up watching Democrats and Republicans at each other’s throats, the system is frustrating (which is not to mention popular views that the system is inefficient and even dangerous in the event of […]

When Things Get Nashty

Today, people around the world are experiencing crisis after crisis. “Bank crisis,” “budget crisis,” and “government shutdown crisis” are all over TV and affecting the lives of many in different countries. After the economy hit bottom early 2009, many of us started to cheer for the recovery; in fact since mid-2010, the American economy seemed […]

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September 2011
