Game Theory and Doctor-Patient Cooperation
Game theory is used to describe situations where the outcome depends on one’s decision and the decision of those they are interacting with. The relationship between doctors and patients can be modeled in this fashion. A doctor can cooperate by spending more time with a patient and correctly identifying and treating their illness. A doctor […]
Dating as an Auction
We all understand the concept of auctioning off dates, usually for a fundraiser of some sort. But even in the real dating game, auction theory is at work. If you think of mates as items being bought and sold, trying to find your perfect mate suddenly becomes an interesting variation of a matching problem. Let’s […]
Flying Snails and the Strength of Weak Ties
A population of horn snails dwelling in intertidal habitats split into two about 3 million years ago when a land bridge form near Panama. These two populations the proceeded to evolve into the two species known today as the Atlantic horn snail and Pacific horn snail. Being separated, it would appear that the two populations […]