Inserting Tabs and Updating/Deleting a content blocks within a tab with images (1) or text (2).
8/30/2022 – Currently there is a bug within iModules. If you need to add a new tab – please contact me at When the bug has been corrected I will update this page.
Inserting-updating-deleting content (PDF)
The word documents above provide generic instructions including how to use the content editor to build the content of the email. iModules provides detailed instruction for the content editor toolbox at the iModules training site.
How to Move/Reorder a tab on a web site (PDF) (like the tabs below)
Creating an image rotator. The image rotator can be set to work as a slideshow either manually advanced or automatically by the site.
Video Highlights
If you would like to store a document that can be be opened from a site (for example Club meeting notes), watch this video (3 minutes)