Resource list/database of local options

What: A list of local resources for teachers.

How: Compile a list of resources teachers can use to increase the time students spend outside. This could include organizations or groups that will come to the school to run programs, volunteer organizations that can connect teachers with local volunteers, locations for nature-filled field trips, or links to locally- relevant curriculum or activities. This could also lead to multiple connections between each resource and the school, and foster extended relationships between schools and community resources.

When: Anytime.

Who: Anyone in the school. Identifying one person (perhaps an administrator?) to maintain the list can help keep it relevant.

Materials: A physical or digital list. An online resource like a Google doc or section of the school website could be a good option.

Why: There are often many more resources in an area than any single individual knows about. Having a list can help teachers find and connect with resources in the community.

Barriers addressed: Usefulness of nearby nature; Educator Content Knowledge; Materials and Funds; Remembering to Include Nature; Sufficient and Appropriate Spaces