Meet the Local Foods Team: Lauren Olson

Tell us about your role on the local foods team. 

My role is working with food producers and food entrepreneurs to help with their marketing strategies. I started this position in April of 2021 and I am interested in learning what services I can offer to farmers and food producers that would be of most use to their business. Currently, I am working on educational materials that would be helpful to producers as they’re scaling up their business. In addition I promote consumer education surrounding local foods to help spread awareness of the delicious bounty we have here.

So you could meet one-on-one with a producer that’s trying to change something about their business, for example.  

Yes, I help educate farmers and food entrepreneurs about marketing tools. It could be anything from discussing E-commerce options for online stores, advising on websites and social media accounts, giving input on logos or accessing new markets.

I think the reason I like marketing is because it is about supporting your local network of consumers and producers and a lot of good can happen from that. Especially when it comes to food since we all need to eat and it’s a great way to invest in your community.

Read more Meet the Local Foods Team: Lauren Olson