Asbestos Abatement-8th Floor
Between December 21 and January 15 there will also be an asbestos abatement in the west mechanical room on the 8th floor of Olin. This project will be completely outside of staff and public areas, however, in order to perform the abatement, following very strict NY State guidelines, it will be necessary to turn off certain […]
Asbestos Abatement-Basement Level
From December 21st through January 15th there will be another series of asbestos abatements in Olin Library, in the basement stack area corridor (to the east of the abatement outlined above, along the same column lines, up to the east stairwell), in the southeast corner of room B17 (Maps), in the northeast corner of B18 […]
Asbestos Abatement-B40, B41, and Corridor
From Friday December 18th through till 6AM Monday, December 21 there will be a relatively small asbestos abatements in rooms B40, B41 and the corridor immediately adjacent to these two rooms. The abatement contractor, Sunstream will begin to set up for the abatement at 3:30 PM on that Friday the 18th. From Friday the 18th […]
Asbestos Info Sessions
Asbestos information sessions will be held in Olin 703 on Tuesday, December 15, 2-3 pm and Wednesday, December 16, 9-10 am. However, if you have any concerns or questions but are unable to attend one of these sessions, please contact Dale Houseknecht of Environmental Health and Safety at (607) 327-1359 or email