
Pest -management fact sheets and internet bulletins are concise sources of information on a given pest, crop, or pest management setting. They are most often used by extension professionals, master gardeners, and growers. While new pest species may emerge from time to time, many have remained associated with their crop hosts for decades or centuries. Thus, sources of information must be updated periodically in order to provide the latest management information to stakeholders. A typical fact sheet will include basic information (physical description of the pest, biology, life cycle), a description of the pest’s agricultural impact, management strategies, and figures (photos, tables, graphs, etc.). Some of the resources EOA students have produced or contributed to are:

Soil Mesofauna fact sheet

-Tomatillo fact sheet

Onion maggot Fact Sheet




how to identify mosquito eggs

Fear as a Biological Control? How Scaring Farm and Garden Pests Could Lessen Plant Damage

Cornell Pesticide Guidelines for Managing Pests Around the Home

– The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelges tsugae, A formidable pest we CAN manage

The Soil Animal Handbook 

TigerNET – New York State Tiger Mosquito Education Network

– First Detector Training: EMERALD ASH BORER

Outreach video on Identifying the Asian Longhorned Beetle

Videos (YouTube link)





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