Vegetable and fruit juices are sweet and refreshing beverage choices. In comparison to other drinks, juice may sound like a healthy alternative because the ingredients may appear to be natural. This post will discuss a few things you should consider to Rethink Your Drink.
Jumping for Juice:
Juice is made from fruits and sometimes vegetables, which naturally contain vitamins and nutrients such as fiber. Fiber is an essential part of healthy digestion. Unfortunately, the juicing process can remove the fiber-containing parts of whole fruits, such as the skin. Without fiber, juice can quickly raise our blood sugar level, which can increase the risk of developing preventable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Juice can easily be prepared at home using a blender or hand-squeezing.
Remember to check the list of ingredients and the Nutrition Facts Label when shopping for juice! 100% juice should not contain any added sugar and should also state “100% juice” on the label. Juice products the following ingredients in the Nutrition Facts Label are not 100% juice:
- fruit flavoring
- high fructose corn syrup
- juice concentrate
You can find out about how to read the Nutrition Facts Label in this post.
How to Enjoy Juice in our Diet:
Be Mindful:
Juice can offer a boost of nutrients to those who don’t normally eat many fruits and vegetables, but it is also high in natural sugar and calories. This means that it is important to only consume juice in moderation. A healthy serving size of juice for children according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines is 4 fluid ounces.
Mix It Up:
An alternative way to enjoy a fruity beverage is to dilute the juice with unsweetened carbonated water or seltzer. This can add a fun fizz to the drink and reduce our sugar intake at the same time. Check out a Water with a Twist recipe, as an example.
Check out this healthy and easy juice recipe from Baked Greens:
Carrot Apple Ginger Juice:
Prep: 5 minutes
Serves: 1
- 2 large carrots
- 1 large apple
- 1 lemon
- 1-inch piece of fresh ginger
- 1/2 cup of water

- Cut off the stems from the carrots, cut them into 3-4 large chunks, and put in the base of your blender. Quarter the apples, then slice out the core and add the apple to the blender as well. Squeeze in the juice from the lemon, and add the ginger and water into the blender.
- Blend on high for 20-30 seconds, or until a thick puree is formed, and no large chunks remain.
- Place a fine mesh strainer (or a nut milk bag, if you have one) over a small bowl or a measuring cup with a pour spout. Let the liquid drain through the strainer, then use a spoon to mash the puree into the strainer, getting out as much liquid as possible. You should have 10-12oz of juice, when finished.
- Pour juice over ice and drink immediately, or pour into a jar with a lid and store in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Shake before drinking. The leftover carrot pulp can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week and used in any recipe calling for applesauce.
What are some healthier ways you can enjoy juice? Share your thoughts and ideas with us in the comments below!