Learning to Cook with Tofu

There are many varieties of tofu available in the store and several ways they can be used. For people unfamiliar with tofu, it can be overwhelming. But fear not, here is a quick guide to get you familiar with the basics of tofu.

Oats are a delicious and filling breakfast, with many health benefits. Oats are high in dietary fiber which helps lower “bad” cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and colon cancers.

What is tofu? Is it healthy?

Tofu, also known as bean curd, is one of the most common soy foods. It is made by heating and solidifying soy milk. The resulting curd is placed into molds and pressed to the desired firmness. Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein and contains other essential nutrients. It may also lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

What are different types of tofu?

Different types of tofu sold in stores vary in their levels of firmness. They range from silken to extra firm. We are going to highlight three types of tofu that are most commonly used in recipes. 

General preparation tips:

  • Drain excess water from the package
  • Remove moisture by placing on paper towels (except silken tofu)
  • If you want to remove more water, you can place the tofu between two pieces of paper towel and add heavy items, such as a can of beans to weigh it down and force water out of the tofu (except silken tofu)
  • Technically, any tofu can be eaten raw. However, silken tofu is the most common one to be eaten raw.
Silken Tofu

Silken tofu has a smooth texture and breaks up easily. It has a mild and milky flavor. It works well in creamy and blended foods such as smoothies, sauces, and dips. You can also eat it raw after draining off the excess water.

Example recipe: Blueberry Tofu Smoothie

Firm Tofu

Firm tofu feels more solid than both silken and medium firm tofu. It holds its shape well during cooking and can be used in different recipes.

Example recipe: Baked Tofu

Extra Firm Tofu

It is the firmest of all types of tofu. Generally, firm and extra firm tofu can be used interchangeably in recipes.

Example recipe: Tofu Scramble

I like to eat my silken tofu raw with seasonings. What is your favorite way of eating tofu?  Let us know by commenting below.

Xiaoyu Duan

Cornell University

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