Alumni Spotlight – Sara Gamaleldin

Sara G headshotName: Sara Gamaleldin
Title: SQF Practitioner at Old Chatham Creamery in Groton, NY

What is your background and how did you become interested in the dairy/food industry?

I grew up in Cairo, Egypt where food was an integral part of my culture, so I always knew I wanted to incorporate food into my career but was not sure how. I eventually started my undergraduate career in chemical engineering but soon fell in love with food science after taking the introductory class. I am grateful I made that decision because the switch allowed me to gain in-depth knowledge of the different facets of the food industry.

What was your Cornell experience like? (i.e., coursework, dairy related activities, internships, jobs, etc.)

During my undergraduate years, I had many opportunities to apply my knowledge in hands-on settings. I took part in internships including Product Development at Kraft Heinz and PepsiCo, and Procurement at Ithaca Kombucha Company. I was able to further develop my technical skills by joining the Abbaspourrad lab for three semesters. The projects I was involved in tackled stability of natural food pigments and their potential product applications. One of my fondest memories at Cornell was competing twice in the annual IFTSA & Mars product development competition. My teammates and I had the chance to create a new food product and develop it from the ideation stage all the way through marketing. I was able to immerse myself in those opportunities thanks to the guidance of my advisor, professors, and peers during my time at Cornell.

What is your current role in the food industry, and how does it impact the dairy industry?

I am currently the SQF Practitioner at Old Chatham Creamery, an artisanal cheese company based in Groton, NY. Old Chatham Creamery has specialized in sheep yogurt, goat yogurt, and mixed milk cheeses for over 25 years. My current role focuses on ensuring that food safety is integral to our company culture. Some of my tasks include environmental monitoring, writing standard operating procedures, coordinating training, and developing documents and procedures to comply with SQFI and FSMA regulations. I really love how dynamic the position is; no two days are the same and I am constantly learning as new challenges arise. The free cheese is also an added perk!

How did your Cornell training impact your career in the dairy/food industry?

I could not be more grateful for the training and guidance I received at Cornell. My current position at Old Chatham Creamery allows me to directly apply the knowledge I acquired in the Food Safety class taught by Randy Worobo and Kimberly Bukowski. I was also fortunate to create lasting connections in the food industry through the Food Science department and am excited to keep learning throughout my career.


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