Wolbachia PCR – High School **
Reserve Today! Click "Reserve Today!" to select the kit you need to reserve.
This kit includes:
- Thermalcycler
- 1 centrifuge (converted for PCR microtubes)
- 42 beaded PCR tubes
- 16 red micropipettors (2-20 µL)
- 4 boxes yellow micropipette tips
- 8 racks for 1.5 mL microtubes
- 8 racks for beaded PCR microtubes (purple and red)
- Sterile water in tube rack (1 tube per team of 2-4 students)
- Empty tube rack to ship PCR samples back to CIBT
- 1 box of 12 ultra fine Sharpies
- Self-addressed FedEx label for shipment of PCR products & DNA extractions on ice
- 1 lab notebook
Sent on ice via FedEx Overnight:
- Wolbachia DNA
- Primers
Teachers must supply:
- 2 DNA samples from morphospecies
- Disposable gloves
- Waste beaker
- Safety goggles (optional)