Human X-Rays

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Nineteen true-to-life human x-rays, eighteen of which can be arranged to form a 1.5 m (5 ft) tall human skeleton. This set ships separately from the disarticulated human skeleton.

The kit includes:

  • Laminated copies of x-ray bone labels
  • Laminated True-to-Life Human X-Ray Teacher Guide/Illustrated Reference Chart
  • Nineteen X-Ray Slides:
    1. Human Skeleton
    2. Skull
    3. Jaw
    4. Neck
    5. Left Shoulder
    6. Right Shoulder
    7. Left Elbow
    8. Right Elbow
    9. Left Hand
    10. Right Hand
    11. Rib Cage/Vertebra
    12. Pelvic Girdle
    13. Right Hip Bone
    14. Left Femur
    15. Right Femur
    16. Left Calf
    17. Right Calf
    18. Left Foot
    19. Right Foot

Human X-Rays