Project Guidelines

General Information

When you’re preparing for BOOM, think about how to sum up your project in a short presentation, and how to explain it to people with varying technical backgrounds. If your project includes elements that people can interact with, all the better! Whatever you’re bringing, please make sure you have enough presenters to handle a crowd.


Be sure to submit your and update your project. All projects must be submitted by 11:59pm on Friday, March 31, 2017.


All Cornell students are invited to present their projects in cutting-edge digital technology; projects may be the result of a class, an independent study, or an ongoing project.

Setup and materials

For BOOM we fill the Duffield atria with tables, and we assign a space to each project group. Most groups will have a 2’x4′ table space (half of an 8′ table shared with another group).
You are required to provide two resources for each project: people and a poster. Devices and demos are optional, but we encourage you to bring anything that people can interact with to experience your ideas.

Poster Guidelines

  • You must display a poster no smaller than 22″x28″.
  • Ensure that your poster is readable from about 5 feet away.
  • Cover the key points of your work. Detailed information should be included in your web page, handouts, and/or short oral presentation.
  • Printing services are available at:
  • If poster printing is going to cause you financial hardship, please contact us.

Suggested Content

Poster Suggestion
Poster Sample Suggestion (click for details)

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Oral Presentations should be no longer than 1-2 minutes
  • Project presenters should be prepared to give this “overview” talk repeatedly to BOOM visitors and encourage questions.

Oral Presentation Tips

  • Rehearse – practice makes perfect.
  • Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study, and make it simple enough to be understood by people with a variety of technical backgrounds.
  • Think about how people with non-technical backgrounds might relate to your work. Does it have an everyday application, or could it in the future? Why does it matter?