Check out some offshore wind energy papers:
Sovacool, B, Enevoldsen, P, Koch, C. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2016: Cost Performance and Risk in the Construction of Offshore and Onshore Wind Farms, Wind Energy, 20(5), 891-908 doi: 10.1002/we.2069.
Barthelmie, R.J., Doubrawa, P. Wang, H., Giroux, G., Pryor, S.C. 2016: Effects of an escarpment on flow parameters of relevance to wind turbines, Wind Energy, 19, 2271–2286. doi: 10.1002/we.1980.
Doubrawa, P., Barthelmie, R.J. Hasager, C.B., Badger, M., Karagali, I. and Pryor, S.C. 2015: Satellite Winds as a Tool for Offshore Wind Energy Resource Assessment: The Great Lakes Wind Atlas, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 168, 349-359.
Wang, H., Barthelmie, R.J., Pryor, S.C. and H.G. Kim 2013: A new turbulence model for offshore wind turbine standards, Wind Energy, 17(10), 1587–1604. DOI: 10.1002/we.1654.
Smith, C.M., Barthelmie, R.J. and Pryor, S.C. 2013: In situ observations of the influence of a large onshore wind farm on near-surface temperature, turbulence and wind speed profiles. Environmental Research Letters, 8, 034006 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/034006
Barthelmie, R.J., Hansen, K.S. and Pryor, S.C. 2013: Meteorological controls on wind turbine wakes, Marine Energy and Environments. Invited Paper. Special Issue Proceedings of the Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 101(4), 1010-1019.
Barthelmie, R.J. and Pryor, S.C. 2013: Wake model evaluation using data from the Virtual Wakes Laboratory, Applied Energy, 104, 834-844. doi 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.12.013.
Hansen, K.S., Barthelmie, R.J., Jensen, L.E. and Sommer. A. 2012: The impact of turbulence intensity and atmospheric stability on power deficits due to wind turbine wakes at Horns Rev wind farm, Wind Energy, 15(1), 183–196. DOI: 10.1002/we.512.
Barthelmie, R.J. and Jensen, L.E. 2010: Evaluation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes at the Nysted offshore wind farm, Wind Energy, 13, 573–586, DOI: 10.1002/we.408.
Barthelmie, R.J., Pryor, S.C., Frandsen, S.T., Hansen, K.S., Schepers, J.G., Rados, K., Schlez, W., Neubert, A., Jensen, L.E. and Neckelmann, S. 2010: Quantifying the impact of wind turbine wakes on power output at offshore wind farms. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27(8), 1302-1317. doi: 10.1175/2010JTECHA1398.1
Barthelmie, R.J., A.M. Sempreviva and S.C. Pryor 2010: The influence of humidity on offshore wind speed profiles. Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1043-1052.
Frandsen, S.T., Jørgensen, H.E., Barthelmie, R.J., Rathmann, O., Badger, J., Hansen, K., Ott, S., Rethore, P.-E., Larsen, S.E., Jensen, L.E. 2009: The making of a second-generation wind farm efficiency model-complex, Wind Energy, 12(5), 445-458. DOI: 10.1002/we.351.
Barthelmie, R.J., Hansen, K., Frandsen, S.T., Rathmann, O., Schepers, J.G., Schlez, W., Philips, J., Rados, K., Zervos, A., Politis, E.S. and Chaviaropoulos, P.K. 2009: Modelling and measuring flow and wind turbine wakes in large wind farms offshore, Wind Energy, 12(5), 431–444. DOI: 10.1002/we.348.
Sempreviva, A.M., Barthelmie, R.J. and Pryor, S.C. 2008: Offshore wind resource assessment in European Seas, Surveys in Geophysics 29:471-491. DOI 10.1007/s10712-008-9050-2.
Barthelmie, R.J., Badger, J., Pryor, S.C., Hasager, C., Christiansen, M.B. and Jørgensen, B.H. 2007: Wind speed gradients in the coastal offshore environment: Issues pertaining to design and development of large offshore wind farms, Wind Engineering, 31(6), 369-382.
Barthelmie, R.J., Frandsen, S.T., Nielsen, N.M., Pryor, S.C., Rethore, P.E. and H.E. Jørgensen, 2007: Modelling and measurements of power losses and turbulence intensity in wind turbine wakes at Middelgrunden offshore wind farm, Wind Energy doi: 10.1002/we.238. 10, 217-228.
Barthelmie, R. J. and Pryor, S.C. 2006: Challenges in predicting power output from offshore wind farms. Journal of Energy Engineering (Special issue on Sustainable Energy System), 132(3), 91-103.
Barthelmie, R., Folkerts, L., Larsen, G., Pryor, S.C., Frandsen, S.T. and Schepers, G. 2006: Comparison of wake model simulations with offshore wind turbine wake profiles measured by sodar, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(7), 888-901.
Frandsen, S.T., Barthelmie, R.J., Pryor, S.C., Rathmann, O., Larsen, S. Højstrup, J. and Thøgersen, M. 2006: Analytical modelling of wind speed deficit in large offshore wind farms. Wind Energy , 9, 39-53.
Hasager, C.B., Barthelmie, R.J., Christensen, M., Nielsen, M. and Pryor, S.C. 2006: Quantifying offshore wind resources from satellite wind maps: study area the North Sea, Wind Energy, 9, 63-74.
Motta, M., Barthelmie, R.J. and Vølund, P. 2005: Stability effects on predicted wind speed profiles and power output at the offshore wind farms. Wind Energy, 8, 219-236.
Barthelmie, R., Hansen, O.F., Enevoldsen, K., Højstrup, J., Frandsen, S., Pryor, S.C., Larsen, S., Motta, M. and Sanderhoff, P. 2005: Ten years of meteorological measurements for offshore wind farms. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 127(2), 170-176.
Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, M., Astrup, P., Barthelmie, R., Dellwik, E., Jensen, N.O., Jørgensen, B., Pryor, S., Rathmann, O. and Furevik, B. 2005: Offshore wind resource assessed from satellite SAR wind field maps. Wind Energy, 8, 403-419.
Barthelmie, R., Larsen, G., Pryor, S., Jørgensen, H., Bergström, H., Magnusson, M., Schlez, W., Rados, K., Lange, B., Vølund, P., Neckelmann, S., Mogensen, S., Schepers, G., Hegberg, T., and Folkerts L. 2004: ENDOW: Efficient Development of Offshore Windfarms: modelling wake and boundary-layer interactions. Wind Energy, 7, 225-245.
Lange, B., Larsen, S. Højstrup, J. and Barthelmie, R. 2004: The influence of thermal effects on the wind speed profile of the coastal marine boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112(3), 587-617.
Lange, B., Larsen, S. Højstrup, J. and Barthelmie, R. 2004: Importance of thermal effects and sea surface roughness for offshore wind assessment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 92, 959-988.
Henderson, A., Morgan, C, Barthelmie, R., Smith, B, Sørensen, H.C. and Boesmans, B. 2003: Offshore wind energy in Europe – a review of the state of the art, Wind Energy, 6, 23-34.
Lange, B., Waldl, H.P., Barthelmie, R.J and Guerrero, A.G. 2003: Modelling of offshore wind turbine wakes with the wind farm program FlaP. Wind Energy, 6, 87-104.
Barthelmie, R.J., Folkerts, L., Ormel, F.T., Sanderhoff, P., Eecen, P.J., Stobbe, O. and Nielsen, M. 2003: Offshore wind turbine wakes measured by sodar, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20(4), 466-477.
Lavagnini A., Sempreviva A.M. and Barthelmie R.J., 2003: Evaluation of methods of estimating wind energy potential in Mediterranean areas. Wind Energy, 6, 35-52.
Pryor, S.C. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2003: Long term trends in near surface flow over the Baltic. International Journal of Climatology , 23, 271-289.
Henderson, A., Morgan, C, Barthelmie, R., Smith, B, Sørensen, H.C. and Boesmans, B. 2002: Offshore wind power: a major new source of energy for Europe, Environment and Sustainable Development: an International Journal, 1(4).
Frandsen, S. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2002: Local wind climate within and downwind of large offshore wind turbine clusters. Wind Engineering, 26(1), 51-58.
Barthelmie, R.J. 2002: Understanding the wind regimes of offshore windfarm sites. Wind Engineering, 25(5), 261-262.
Barthelmie, R., Larsen, G., Bergström, H., Magnusson, M., Schlez, W., Rados, K., Lange, B., Vølund, P., Neckelmann, S., Christensen, L., Schepers, G., Hegberg, T., and Folkerts L. 2002: ENDOW: Efficient Development of Offshore Windfarms, Wind Engineering, 25(5), 263-270.
Rados, K., Larsen, G., Barthelmie, R., Schlez, W., Lange, B., Schepers, G., Hegberg, T. and Magnusson, M. 2002: Comparison of wake models with data for offshore wind farms, Wind Engineering, 25(5), 271-280.
Schlez, W., Umana, A., Barthelmie, R., Larsen, G., Rados, K., Lange, B., Schepers, G., Hegberg, T. and Magnusson, M. 2002: ENDOW: Improvements of wake models within offshore windfarms, Wind Engineering, 25(5), 281-289.
Folkerts, L. Barthelmie, R., Sanderhoff, P., Ormel, F., Eecen, P., Stobbe, O. 2002: Sodar measurements of offshore wakes, Wind Engineering, 25(5), 301-306.
Schepers, G., Barthelmie, R., Rados, K., Lange, B., and Schlez, W. 2002: Large offshore windfarms: linking wake models with atmospheric boundary-layer models, Wind Engineering, 25(5), 307-316.
Barthelmie, R.J. and Pryor, S.C. 2002: A review of the economics of offshore wind energy. Wind Engineering 25(4), 203-210.
Pryor, S.C. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2002: Statistical analysis of flow characteristics in the coastal zone. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90, 201-221.
Pryor, S.C. and Barthelmie, R.J. 2001: Comparison of potential power production at on – and off-shore sites, Wind Energy, 4, 173-181.
Barthelmie, R.J. 2001: Evaluating the impact of wind induced roughness change and tidal range on extrapolation of offshore vertical wind speed profiles. Wind Energy, 4(3), 99-105.
Walmsley, J.L., Barthelmie, R.J. and Burrows, W.R. 2001: The prediction of offshore winds from land-based data for wind energy applications. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 101, 409-433.
Barthelmie, R.J. 1999: A brief review of offshore wind energy activity in the 1990’s. Wind Engineering 1998, 22(6), 265-273.
Barthelmie, R.J. 1999: The effects of atmospheric stability on coastal wind climates. Meteorological Applications, 6(1), 39-48.
Pryor, S.C. and Barthelmie, R.J. 1998: Analysis of the effect of the coastal discontinuity on near-surface flow. Annales Geophysicae, 16(7), 882-888.
Barthelmie, R.J. 1997: Evaluation of empirical and statistical methods for predicting off- to on-shore wind speed ratios. Wind Engineering , 21(2), 103-112.
Barthelmie, R.J. and Palutikof, J.P. 1996: Predicting offshore wind speeds in coastal regions suitable for wind energy. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 62(2-3), 213-236.
Barthelmie, R.J., Courtney, M.S., Højstrup, J. and Larsen, S.E. 1996: Meteorological aspects of offshore wind energy – observations from the Vindeby wind farm. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 62(2-3), 191-211.
Barthelmie, R.J., Grisogono, B. and Pryor, S.C. 1996: Observations and simulations of diurnal cycles of near-surface wind speeds over land and sea. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 101(D16), 21,327-21,337.
Højstrup, J., Barthelmie, R.J. and Courtney, M.S. 1994: Preliminary results of offshore meteorological monitoring at Vindeby windfarm. Wind Engineering, 18(5), 219.
Barthelmie, R.J. 1993: Offshore wind climate and wind energy applications. Wind Engineering, 17(2), 86-99.
Barthelmie, R.J., Palutikof, J.P. and Davies, T.D. 1991: Predicting UK offshore wind speeds. Annales Geophysicae, 9(11), 708-715.