CU AirPower Team (Jennifer Gammond (holding the blueprint), Eleni Konidaris and Tracy DiPetrillo with faculty mentor Rebecca Barthelmie)AirPower Team - Cornell University were selected as one of 100 teams out of 500 for Round 2 of Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2015.

The team had a novel concept (Intelligent Air Flow Channeling) of using a Tesla turbine to generate electricity from a moving aircraft and were successful in designing and building a proof of concept system that showed that the turbine system coupled with a lithium ion battery could generate and store electricity. As part of the challenge the team produced an awesome video

that can be downloaded in higher resolution here: CU AirPower video

Congratulations Cornell CU AirPower Team – one of 2 all-female teams in the final 100!
Airbus Fly Your Ideas Certificate 2015