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“The War Between Huawei and Apple: A Convoluted System of Networks”

Article Link:   In the CNN article titled “Huawei was Poised to Fight Apple in the US. Now its Fate is Uncertain” the author, Clare Duffy, discusses Huawei’s attempts to utilize the United States global market in order to gain a larger technological following. Huawei, which is based in China, is determined to expand […]

Social VR and Our Virtual Social Graphs Social VR could be the means in which we strengthen the otherwise weak connections between us and our virtual companions. Currently, when we ask someone to describe their “virtual network” they probably respond with the number of friends they have on Facebook or the number of followers they have on Instagram. Although number of […]

Programs Playing Poker: Pluribus and Game Theory Game theory lends itself nicely to games such as rock-paper-scissors, simple attack-defense games, and certain problem set questions from Cornell University. Algorithms already exist that can guarantee convergence on Nash equilibrium for any two-player zero-sum game (CFR being the one that will be touched upon later), so one can easily see how applicable this […]

Social Media and Social Networks

Social media is often though to increase social networks because of the access it gives to reach new people without barriers such as distance. However, it has been shown that social networking with social media as compared to social networking in person and with traditional methods had surprising results. evolutionary psychologist Robin Ian MacDonald Dubar […]

Game Theory: David Cummings’ approach   In this article we learn about David Cummings, Boris Johnson’s advisor, and his application of game theory to politics. The article discusses how Cummings is interested in game theory; however, his current decisions might not be correct. The obvious two players of the game from Cummings perspective would be the EU and the […]

Using Prisoner’s Dilemna To Help Model Cooperation Networks that are seemingly unrelated may actually change the behavior between members of their respective networks. According to the academic paper, while networks themselves may not share any nodes or ties, they often bleed information to people that belong to other networks, altering their decision making. In order to generalize this idea for an […]

Knowing Social Network and Using Health-Tracking Device Can Help Predict One’s Well-Being

According to the article, the researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that using a health-tracking device (namely Fitbit) and knowing one’s social network increases the predictability of one’s mental and physical health than using Fitbit alone.  For the study, the participants wore Fitbits to keep track of basic health data, including steps walked, […]

YouTube recommendations and “children’s” videos

TED talk: Toys Trek video: When a user browses YouTube, YouTube will recommend videos that “go well” together. That is, it will recommend videos that are similar to each other, or it will sacrifice some of that similarity if the video is very popular. This is reasonable. If a viewer watches a video, […]

Game Theory and Human-Robot Interactions In January, a research team led by the University of Sussex for the first time managed to use game theory and the concept of Nash equilibrium – the state that a system will reach given each “player” in the game attempting to use the best response strategies to each other – in programming robots […]

The Influence of Information Networks Over Voting Outcomes   A recent study designed by MIT scholars aims to understand the influence that information networks have over individual decisions. In particular, the study examines the impact of political information on voter behavior, proving that different information networks can increase the chance of electoral deadlock or bias overall election outcomes in favor of one […]

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September 2019
