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Game Theory: David Cummings’ approach


In this article we learn about David Cummings, Boris Johnson’s advisor, and his application of game theory to politics. The article discusses how Cummings is interested in game theory; however, his current decisions might not be correct. The obvious two players of the game from Cummings perspective would be the EU and the UK.

The article provides an example of Cummings using game theory when in August Johnson started to plan to suspend parliament by the October 31st deal or no deal Brexit date. The goal here would be to push the EU to provide a better or at least altered deal.

Nonetheless, the author explains how Cummings might have not understood all players involved in this “game” and thus his decisions are not correctly based on game theory. The third player in this game according to the author are the British MP’s. This became apparent when the MP’s successfully stopped Johnson’s ability to carry out his do or die Brexit pledge.

Cummings and Johnson underestimated both the speed and decisiveness of the members of Parliament. They provided one week for the MP’s to act before the shut down. One of the most important parts of Game Theory is to look at all possible outcomes and then go on to make the best decision. In this situation Cummings and Johnson did not consider how quickly the MP’s could act and their negligence lead to the current outcome.

As we have discussed in class only through understanding all outcomes can one accurately choose the outcome that will lead to their best decision. In this situation Cummings and Johnson thought they were forcing the EU into a better “Brexit” deal; however, because they did not see the whole picture, which in this case included the MP’s, they could not accurately choose a path.


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