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Nash Equilibrium and Mulan

Mulan Gets Down to Business in Disney’s First Teaser for Live-Action Remake   Disney’s beloved childhood classic Mulan (1998) is currently being remade into a live-action film, coming to theaters in 2020. What better way to celebrate than to analyze the use of Nash equilibrium in the animation? The story follows protagonist Mulan who takes […]

Network Theory & Urban Analytics

Aretian is an urban design and analytics firm based out of Cambridge, Massachusetts. I came into contact with the company over the summer and was immediately impressed by their method of synthesizing solutions from network theory concepts and data science techniques. Combining practices from complexity science, machine learning, urban design, and network theory, Aretian is […]

Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma: The Importance of Game Theory in Military and War Learning about Game Theory in class and the classic Prisoner’s Dilemma, my mind turned to learn about more applications of Game Theory in the real world. A pertinent and highly relevant example is the nuclear arms race and the existing tensions between the US and North Korea. Game theory has its roots in the […]

Airflow use of DAG to model workflows This is a link to a documentation page of Airflow Platform. Airflow, developed by Airbnb, allows implementation of workflows using directed acyclic graphs. The platform also allows execution of the implemented workflows as well as monitoring. This project interested me because of its growing use cases. As companies become larger and technologically advanced, there […]

Understanding Biological Interactions via Game Theory This is an article from Nature, entitled “Game Theory, Evolutionary Stable Strategies and the Evolution of Biological Interactions,” explaining how we can use game theory to model evolutionary behavior. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is a phrase that has often been used to describe natural selection, the mechanism for evolutionary change in nature; this phrase […]

Strong and Weak Ties in Social Media   This article considers the power of weak and strong ties and their applications in social media. It talks about the patterns that show up when weak and strong ties are present, and how we can use them to learn about ‘new groups of people’. The article cites the article The Strength of Weak […]

Improving Robot on Human Interactions using Differential Game Theory

In recent years, there has been a continual increase of humans coming into contact and having to work alongside robots. Up to now, these relationships often sacrifice a lot of untapped potential in terms of efficiency and effectiveness since robots lack a systematic methodology to producing versatile behaviors when physically interacting with humans. This article […]

Boxed Pig Game and Setting Up Shops

In the domain of Game Theory, there is another classic example that was not mentioned in the lecture: Boxed Pig Game. In this game, there are two pigs in a box. One is dominant and the other one is subordinate. And there is a lever on one side of the box and a device that […]

Economy VS Environment: Not Always a Zero-Sum Game Economic growth and environmental protection are often described as mutually exclusive – in other words, trade-offs, where we cannot have one without the other. In both developed and developing countries, our history has demonstrated that our environment tends to suffer as the global economy continues to grow and prosper. While this debate remains controversial, […]

Braess’s Paradox and Induced Demand in National Highway Systems

Lately we have been discussing Nash Equilibria in network traffic problems, specifically Braess’s Paradox. As we learned, often, adding/expanding the network can actually increase the travel time for all the people on the network. This is quite like the problem of induced demand when building highway systems in cities. To help alleviate traffic problems, cities […]

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September 2019
