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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

Recent publications from the SIPS community – June 29, 2023

Empirical approach for developing production environment soil health benchmarks.

Amsili, J. P., van Es, H. M., Aller, D. M., and Schindelbeck, R. R. 2023. Geoderma Regional 34:e00672.

Correlations among morphological and biochemical traits in high-cannabidiol hemp (Cannabis sativa L.).

Stack, G. M., Carlson, C. H., Toth, J. A., Philippe, G., Crawford, J. L., Hansen, J. L., Viands, D. R., Rose, J. K. C., and Smart, L. B. 2023. Plant Direct 7:e503.

Herbicide screening for weed control and crop safety in California melon production.

Bean, T. M., Stoddard, S., Sosnoskie, L. M., Osipitan, A., Devkota, P., Kyser, G. B., and Hanson, B. D. 2023. Weed Technology:1-8.

Connecting data for consumer preferences, food quality, and breeding in support of market-oriented breeding of root, tuber, and banana crops.

Arnaud, E., Menda, N., Tran, T., Asiimwe, A., Kanaabi, M., Meghar, K., Forsythe, L., Kawuki, R., Ellebrock, B., Kayondo, I. S., Agbona, A., Zhang, X., Mendes, T., Laporte, M.-A., Nakitto, M., Ssali, R. T., Asfaw, A., Uwimana, B., Ogbete, C. E., Makunde, G., Maraval, I., Mueller, L. A., Bouniol, A., Fauvelle, E., and Dufour, D. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture n/a.

Dryness limits vegetation pace to cope with temperature change in warm regions.

Wang, B., Chen, W., Tian, D., Li, Z., Wang, J., Fu, Z., Luo, Y., Piao, S., Yu, G., and Niu, S.  Global Change Biology n/a.

Uncertainty and Emergent Constraints on Enhanced Ecosystem Carbon Stock by Land Greening.

Bian, C., Xia, J., Zhang, X., Huang, K., Cui, E., Zhou, J., Wei, N., Wang, Y.-P., Lombardozzi, D., Goll, D. S., Knauer, J., Arora, V., Yuan, W., Sitch, S., Friedlingstein, P., and Luo, Y. 2023. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15:e2022MS003397.

Initial characterization of a bacterial leaf streak susceptibility gene suggests it encodes a membrane transporter that influences seed nutrition and germination.

Scinto-Madonich, N. J., Baruah, S., Young, S., Vignona, K., Read, A. C., Carpenter, S. C. D., Wang, L., Shi, X., Chang, G., Piñeros, M. A., and Bogdanove, A. J. 2023.  Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 126:102031.

Applicability of soil health assessment for wheat-maize cropping systems in smallholders’ farmlands.

Zhang, J., Li, Y., Jia, J., Liao, W., Amsili, J. P., Schneider, R. L., van Es, H. M., Li, Y., and Zhang, J. 2023.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 353:108558.

Carotenoid sequestration protein FIBRILLIN participates in CmOR-regulated β-carotene accumulation in melon.

Zhou, X., Sun, T., Owens, L., Yang, Y., Fish, T., Wrightstone, E., Lui, A., Yuan, H., Chayut, N., Burger, J., Tadmor, Y., Thannhauser, T., Guo, W., Cheng, L., and Li, L. 2023.  Plant Physiology.

Neutral weed communities: the intersection between crop productivity, biodiversity, and weed ecosystem services.

Esposito, M., Westbrook, A. S., Maggio, A., Cirillo, V., and DiTommaso, A. 2023. Weed Science:1-11.

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