Field Days provide opportunities for to connect with growers and learn about research in the field. Field Days scheduled for summer 2019 are listed below.

2019 Small Grains Management Field Day
Thursday, June 6, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Poormon Farms 2296 Leader Rd., Seneca Falls, NY 13148 (Note new location for 2019)
The annual field day featuring small grain variety trial information, disease and weed management updates, and crop development and management.
Tuesday, July 2, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
New York Seed Improvement Project (NYSIP) Foundation Seed Barn 791 Dryden Road (Rt. 366), Ithaca NY
A field tour that will highlight Cornell research on small grains, forages, biofuel species, and industrial hemp. Topics to include breeding, varieties, pathogens and pests, seed production, and seed treatment. This event aims to provide timely updates for seed treatment and seed industry professionals, seed growers, educators, and researchers who work with these crops and their seeds and seed treatments.
Thursday, July 11
Musgrave Research Farm, 1256 Poplar Ridge Rd, Aurora, NY 13026 (lunch included)
The annual Cornell Field Crops field day is held at Musgrave Research Farm in Aurora, NY. Topics typically covered include assessments of wheat, soybean, and forage crops under different management regimes in addition to pathogen and pest management for corn, malting barley and other crops.
From No-till to New Cultivars: Improving Organic Corn and Soybean Production
Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (lunch included)
Musgrave Research Farm, 1256 Poplar Ridge Rd, Aurora, NY 13026
Connect with fellow farmers and Cornell researchers, while you check out our new no-till planter and get the latest information about rolled cover crop organic no-till soybean production. Learn about our organic cropping systems experiment and crop breeding for organic production. The NY Soil Health Trailer will also be on-site with demonstrations to show participants how healthy soil compares to degraded soil. This event is part of a Summer Field Day Series organized by NOFA-NY, Organic@Cornell, and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell Floriculture Field Day
Tuesday, July 30, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Stocking Hall and Cornell Botanic Garden in Ithaca
Program for commercial floriculture industry. Morning presentations at the Cornell Botanic Garden’s Nevin Center. Afternoon program at the Trial Garden in its new location at Cornell Botanic Gardens.
Greenhouse IPM In-depth Hands-on Workshop
Wednesday, July 31
Plant Science Building in Ithaca
The latest in pest management methods for commercial greenhouse producers. Topics will include best practices for beneficial insects, greenhouse sanitation to prevent pests, diseases and weeds and hydroponic green and herb production.
Innovations in Organic Vegetable Production
Wednesday, July 31, 3:00 – 7:00 pm (Vegetable tastings and light meal included)
Homer C. Thompson Vegetable Research Farm, 133 Fall Creek Rd, Freeville, NY 13068
Join Cornell researchers and Cornell Cooperative Extension for field tours of ongoing organic research. Learn about soil health, perennial cover crops, hemp production, tarps for weed suppression, variety trials, and vegetable breeding for organic production. The NY Soil Health Trailer will also be on-site with demonstrations to show participants how healthy soil compares to degraded soil. This event is part of a Summer Field Day Series organized by NOFA-NY, Organic@Cornell, and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
Management Options and Rootstock Varieties for Organic Apple Production
Thursday, August 1, 3:00 – 7:00 pm (Light meal included)
Cornell Orchards, 709 Dryden Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850
Join us for an afternoon and see how mulch compares to tillage and allowed herbicides in terms of weed suppression and soil health in a block of ‘Honeycrisp’, and how ‘Modi’ performs on different rootstocks in a high-density tall spindle orchard. Advances in organic management of insect pests and diseases will also be discussed. The NY Soil Health Trailer will also be on-site with demonstrations to show participants how healthy soil compares to degraded soil. This event is part of a Summer Field Day Series organized by NOFA-NY, Organic@Cornell, and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell Hemp Field Day
Times and other details will be added as they become available
Building Resilience into Organic Forage Production
Wednesday, August 14, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Lunch included)
Twin Oaks Dairy, 3185 NY-13, Truxton, NY 13158
Description: Join Kirk and Kathie Arnold and learn about mixed intercropping, interseeding into corn, and double cropping with triticale and sorghum sudangrass. Cornell researchers will discuss improving soil health and other ways farmers can increase resilience to extreme weather events. The NY Soil Health Trailer will also be on-site with demonstrations to show participants how healthy soil compares to degraded soil. This event is part of a Summer Field Day Series organized by NOFA-NY, Organic@Cornell, and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell CBD Hemp Field Day
Times and other details will be added as they become available