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Discovery that Connects

Science-based innovation for a changing world

NEB Freezer coming to 328 Plant Science Building

Wish your enzymes and other supplies were closer at hand?  Running out and don’t have time to order?  With the New England Biolabs (NEB) freezer coming to 328 Plant Science Building, your experiments can continue on schedule!

When? The program is scheduled to GO LIVE September 6th

Where will the freezer be located? 328 Plant Science (3rd floor near the elevator)

What will be in it? NEB will generate an inventory list based on the last 6-12 months of products frequently ordered at Cornell. If there is a product that you or your lab will use consistently, NEB will be happy to add it to the freezer inventory which will be restocked weekly.

What if I want something that’s not in the freezer? You can order it directly from the kiosk using your credentials. The item will ship FREE to the package room (111 Plant Science). These special orders will be consolidated in the weekly restocking orders and should be arriving to Cornell about twice per week (shipping days TBD).

How do I sign up? If you haven’t already, go to and register as a user.

How will it know who I am and what project to charge? Users are given access to the machine, and you will enter the account and business purpose at the kiosk.

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