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Abstract 114

Elements of Analytical Measurement in Brewing

J. Amer. Soc. Brew. Chem. 69 (2): 100-107, 2011

K.J. Siebert


A successful analytical method must measure an analyte of interest in a suitable matrix with adequate sensitivity, accuracy, and precision. This requires an appropriate combination of detector specificity and component resolution. Highly specific detectors require little or no separation of the analyte from other constituents. Often specificity can be achieved by carrying out a chemical reaction. Detectors with low specificity need a high degree of separation of components before they can be applied. Minimal separation, into two fractions, can be achieved with distillation, filtration, sedimentation or extraction. Multivariate analysis applied to multiple measurements (e.g. NIR spectra) can achieve mathematical rather than physical separation. The degrees of specificity and separation in brewing analytical methods are discussed.



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