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Abstract 004

Determination of trans-2-Nonenal in Beer

Tech. Quart., Master Brew. Assoc. Am. 11: 110-117, 1974

P.S. Wang and K.J. Siebert


Details are given of a method capable of quantitatively measuring trans 2-nonenal at concn. near its flavour threshold. The exposure of beer or beer extract to acidic conditions (pH less than 4) artificially produces large amounts of trans 2-nonenal. Small amounts (0.03 ppb) were detected in fresh beer. Significantly large amounts (0.19 ppb) were found in beers which had a papery flavour. The rise in concn. from fresh to stale beer (6 days at 38°C) represents an increase of more than one odour unit of trans 2-nonenal (0.1 ppb). This appears to be large enough to account for the papery taste sensation without requiring the participation of other compounds; it is noted, however, that other compounds do perhaps participate synergistically.



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